Subs::SW0Header (version $)

package Subs::SW0Header;
# DESCRIPTION: This module creates the *psu.html header page.
#              ISA Subs::Header.
# HISTORY: $Log:,v $
# HISTORY: Revision 1.11  2014/02/27 09:44:48  apsop
# HISTORY: Added sdc_hea_patches item.  Fixed the xrt2fits, bat2fits,
# HISTORY: uvot2fits version items.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.10  2008/05/16 14:28:10  apsop
# HISTORY: Add a good attitude fraction to the header.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.9  2005/09/28 17:36:12  apsop
# HISTORY: Write processing time into summary file.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.8  2005/09/26 21:12:16  apsop
# HISTORY: Set the production date as well as the production time.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.7  2004/05/06 20:02:34  dah
# HISTORY: Add version number back into the header comments.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.6  2004/04/28 13:50:02  dah
# HISTORY: Fix attitude file instrument type.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.5  2004/04/16 20:21:18  dah
# HISTORY: Begin using embedded history records
# VERSION: $Revision: 1.11 $

use Subs::Header;
use Subs::SwiftSub;

@ISA = ("Subs::Header");
use strict;

# constructor
sub new {
    my $proto=shift;
    my $self=$proto->SUPER::new(@_);

    my $proctime= Util::Date->new();
    $self->jobpar->set({procdate => $proctime->date(),
			proctime => $proctime->time()});

    return $self;


sub body {
    my $self=shift;

    my $log     =$self->log();
    my $filename=$self->filename();
    my $procpar =$self->procpar();
    my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();

    # observation information
    $self->begin_section("Observation Information");

    $self->item("Nominal Pointing", "(degrees)" );

    my $attitude = $filename->get('attitude', 's');
    if( -f $attitude ) {
        # we have attitude data, so list the nominal pointing
        $self->item("R.A.=",$jobpar->read("ra" ,0.001),
                    "Dec.=",$jobpar->read("dec",0.001) );

                    "Bii=",$jobpar->read("glat",0.001) );
    } else {
        # no attitude data
        $self->item("No attitude data available");

    $self->item("Observation Date:",
                "Time:", $jobpar->read("obstime") );

    my $good_att =
      Subs::SwiftSub::good_attitude_fraction($self, $jobpar->read('tstart'), $jobpar->read('tstop'));
    $self->item("Good Attitude Fraction:", sprintf("%.2f", $good_att));


    # processing information
    $self->begin_section("Processing Information");

    $self->item("Processing Date: ",
	       "Time:", $jobpar->read("proctime") );

    $self->item("Version of Data: ", $jobpar->read("seqprocnum") );

    $self->item("Processing Script Version: ", $jobpar->read("procscriptver"));

    $self->item("FTOOLS Version: ", Util::Ftool->version() );
    $self->item("HEAsoft Version: ", Util::HEAdas->version() );
    $self->item("SDC patches to HEAsoft: ",
		$procpar->read("sdc_hea_patches") );

    # xrt2fits
    my $xrt2fits = $procpar->read("xrt2fits");
    $xrt2fits =~ s/^.*XRT2FITS\///i;
    $self->item("XRT2FITS Version: ", $xrt2fits);

    # bat2fits
    my $bat2fits = $procpar->read("bat2fits");
    $bat2fits =~ s/^.*BAT2FITS\///i;
    $self->item("BAT2FITS Version: ", $bat2fits);

    # uvot2fits
    my $uvot2fits = $procpar->read("uvot2fits");
    $uvot2fits =~ s/^.*UVOT2FITS\///i;
    $self->item("UVOT2FITS Version: ", $uvot2fits);

    my $calver = $jobpar->read("caldbver");
    $self->item("CALDB Version: ", $calver);


} # end of body method

# generate the links to other pages which are found at the top of the page.
# Sub-classes should override this method to add more links.
sub link_text {
    my $self = shift;


    my $url;
    my $filename=$self->filename();

    my $text=$self->SUPER::link_text();

    $url=$filename->get("report", "uvot");
    $text .= "<LI><A HREF=\"$url\">UVOT exposure report</A>\n";

    $url=$filename->get("report", "xrt");
    $text .= "<LI><A HREF=\"$url\">XRT exposure report</A>\n";

    $url=$filename->get("report", "bat");
    $text .= "<LI><A HREF=\"$url\">BAT exposure report</A>\n";

    return $text;

} # end of link_text method