Util::ParfileTool (version $)

package Util::ParfileTool;
# DESCRIPTION: This sub-class adds functionality for handling FTOOL-style 
# DESCRIPTION: parameter files.
# HISTORY: $Log: ParfileTool.pm,v $
# HISTORY: Revision 1.4  2014/02/27 07:01:07  apsop
# HISTORY: VERSION header now shows CVS Revision
# HISTORY: Revision 1.3  2006/09/10 20:10:03  apsop
# HISTORY: Change the default query mode from "h" to "hl".
# HISTORY: Revision 1.2  2006/08/01 20:35:34  apsop
# HISTORY: Add in CVS history indicator.
# HISTORY: 1.0 -> 1.1 2004-02-11
# HISTORY: Moved the environment setup into Tool.pm
# HISTORY: 1.1 -> 1.2 2004-03-09
# HISTORY: Moved the HEADASNOQUERY environment variable here from HEAdas.pm,
# HISTORY: since we are starting to see PseudoFtools based on the HEAdas
# HISTORY: libraries instead of the FTOOLS ones.
# VERSION: $Revision: 1.4 $

use Util::Tool;
use strict;

use Util::Parfile;

# This constructor should be called by subclass constructors after
# sufficient initialization has been done so that the 
# bins and syspfiles methods methods will work
sub new {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $tool      = shift;
    my $syspfiles = shift;
    my $bin_ref   = shift;
    my $lib_ref   = shift;

    my @bins=@$bin_ref;
    my @libs=@$lib_ref;

    # find the executable in one of the bin directories
    my $bin="";
    foreach (@bins) {

        if( -x "$_/$tool" ) { 
            # found it

    unless($bin) {
        # unknown tool
        my $log = $self->log();
        if($log) { $log->error(2,"Unknown tool $tool"); }
        else { print STDERR "Unknown tool $tool\n"; }
        return $self;

    # inherit the generic Tool constructor

    # remember directories
    if($lib_ref) { $self->{LIBS}=$lib_ref }
    else         { $self->{LIBS}=[]       }

    # copy the parfile to the current directory
    my $parfile="$tool.par";
    if(open IN, "<$syspfiles/$parfile") {
        open OUT, ">$parfile";
        print OUT <IN>;
        close OUT;
        close IN;

    # create the parfile object
    # and set the default query mode to "hl"
    # so FTOOLS won't hang if we forget to set a parameter
    $self->{PARFILE} = Util::Parfile->new("$parfile");
    # flag to distinguish scripts from compiled tools
    # scripts have different environment requirements
    $self->{IS_SCRIPT} = 0;

    return $self;


# return the directory containing the "system" parfiles
sub syspfiles {
    my $self=shift;

    return $self->{SYSPFILES};

# return all shared object library directories for this software package
# These will be prepended to LD_LIBRARY_PATH when the tool is run
sub libs {
    my $self=shift;

    return @{$self->{LIBS}};


# return all executable directories for this software package
# These will be prepended to PATH when the tool is run
sub bins {
    my $self=shift;

    return @{$self->{BINS}};

# Returns a hash of environment variables which must
# be set before running this tool
sub environment {
    my $self=shift;

    return {PFILES       =>".;".$self->syspfiles(),
            PFCLOBBER    =>1 ,

} # end of environment method

# set the flag indicating whether this is a script
sub is_script {
    my $self=shift;
if (not ref($self)) {
require Carp;
	if (not defined($self)) { $self = 'undef' }

    $self->{IS_SCRIPT} = shift;

    return $self;

# get or set the Util::Parfile object for the parameter file.
# This can be used to read values which the program wrote to the 
# parfile. Note the parfile is deleted when this object is destroyed
# so you may need to explicitly call DESTROY() so that it will
# stick around long enough to be read.
sub parfile {
    my $self=shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{PARFILE} = shift }
    return $self->{PARFILE};

# set the FTOOL input parameters. Note the parameters
# are given as a reference to a hash.
sub params { #({name1=>value1, name2=>value2});
    my $self=shift;
    my $params=shift;

if (not ref($self)) {
require Carp;
	if (not defined($self)) { $self = 'undef' }
	if (not defined($params)) { $params = 'undef' }
	Carp::confess("ParfileTool::params(self=$self, params=$params)");

    if(!$self->{PARAMS}) {
        # no params defined before, so just take the new set
        $self->{PARAMS} = $params;
    } else {
        # merge the new parameters list with the old one
        my $key;
        foreach $key (keys(%$params)) {
            $self->{PARAMS}->{$key} = $params->{$key};

    return $self;


# find a file in one of the bin directories
sub find_bin {
    my $self=shift;
    my $file=shift;

    foreach ($self->bins()) {

        if( -f "$_/$file" ) { return $_ }

    return "";

# Special initialization - set the parameters
# in the parfile
sub init {
    my $self=shift;

    # do the inherited init

    # set the parameters
    # Then empty the parfile values stored in memory
    # we have to do this because running the tool may
    # modify the parameters in an unpredictable way
    # which does not use a Parfile object
    # If this is a script, remember the parfiles
    # in the working directory. Scripts can
    # leave parfiles behind which we would like to delete
    # without touching the already existing parfiles
    if($self->{IS_SCRIPT}) {
        $self->{PRE_EXISTING_PARFILES} = {map { $_ => 1 } glob("*.par")};
} # end of init method

sub cleanup {
    my $self = shift;
    if($self->{IS_SCRIPT} && $self->{PRE_EXISTING_PARFILES} ) {
        # delete all the parfiles created by running the script
        foreach (glob("*.par") ) {
            # ski pthe parfiles which were already here before 
            # we ran the script
            if($self->{PRE_EXISTING_PARFILES}->{$_}) { next; }
        } # end of loop over parfiles
    } # end if this is a script
    # now inherit generic tool stuff
} # end of cleanup method

# override the generic tool error routine
# to also dump the parfile to the log if it exists
sub error {
    my $self=shift;

    # do all the generic stuff

    # dump the parfile
    my $log=$self->log();
    my $parfile=$self->{PARFILE}->{NAME};

    if($log) {
        $log->entry("Contents of $parfile");

} # end of error method

# destructor - deletes the parfile.
    my $self=shift;

    # delete the parfile
    unlink "$self->{PARFILE}->{NAME}";

    # check for an overridden destructor...
    $self->SUPER::DESTROY if $self->can("SUPER::DESTROY");
