Util::SW0Filename (version $)

package Util::SW0Filename;
# DESCRIPTION: This class is the mission-specific filename generator for Swift.
# HISTORY: $Log: SW0Filename.pm,v $
# HISTORY: Revision 1.50  2016/07/21 14:20:09  apsop
# HISTORY: Updates for 3.17.05. CALDB patches for XRT 20160609 and clock v114. xrtwtcorr v0.2.2. Fix issue retrieving BAT scaled map.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.49  2014/08/15 09:41:45  apsop
# HISTORY: New functions filter_id_for_code and filter_code_for_id.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.48  2013/07/16 07:29:26  apsop
# HISTORY: New sub getNonGrismSkyImages.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.47  2007/07/25 20:16:09  apsop
# HISTORY: Write REPROC keyword if needed.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.46  2007/06/28 20:31:08  apsop
# HISTORY: Changes to shared repository to support files indexed by target number.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.45  2007/04/01 19:14:49  apsop
# HISTORY: Add version keyowrds to shared repository files before they are stored.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.44  2006/05/02 13:16:02  apsop
# HISTORY: Fix response to no repos file in fetch_from_repository.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.43  2006/04/03 16:02:46  apsop
# HISTORY: Fix bug in appending time index to repository file names.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.42  2006/02/07 16:39:24  apsop
# HISTORY: Allow for the parsing of gzipped files.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.41  2006/01/20 19:44:09  apsop
# HISTORY: Replace "met" flag with more descriptive "not_seqid" flag; Fix up repository file renaming.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.40  2006/01/18 16:39:27  apsop
# HISTORY: Add error message if no repository file found.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.39  2005/09/26 20:42:14  apsop
# HISTORY: Only sort repository files if there is more than one.  Allows use of nonindexed repository files.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.38  2005/07/15 16:15:32  apsop
# HISTORY: Bug fix for previous commit.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.37  2005/07/15 15:44:11  apsop
# HISTORY: Fix file globbing so that it only matches numeric indexes in the file names.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.36  2005/06/01 13:35:47  apsop
# HISTORY: Fix bugs in exporting of repository files.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.35  2005/02/08 14:30:52  apsop
# HISTORY: Fix method for detecting grism files.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.34  2004/11/30 21:21:29  apsop
# HISTORY: Changes to support test pipeline, which has an st prefix.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.33  2004/11/16 14:22:57  apsop
# HISTORY: Added method to return existing/regular files matching specs.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.32  2004/10/13 01:40:42  apsop
# HISTORY: Add in filter check to eliminate files with indexes when index==0
# HISTORY: Revision 1.31  2004/09/02 00:02:13  apsop
# HISTORY: Bug fix for handling indexed files with non-indexed files.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.30  2004/08/27 18:32:00  apsop
# HISTORY: Added methods for converting between UVOT filter codes and names.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.29  2004/07/06 20:03:26  apsop
# HISTORY: Keep track of calibration files and delete them at the end.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.28  2004/05/27 00:14:46  apsop
# HISTORY: Modified instrument-specific cal file code to accept index=0
# HISTORY: Revision 1.27  2004/05/06 19:58:41  dah
# HISTORY: Add version number back into the header comments.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.26  2004/04/16 20:20:37  dah
# HISTORY: Begin using embedded history records
# VERSION: $Revision: 1.50 $

use Util::Filename;
use Util::FilenameInfo;
use Util::ShortTermRepository;
@ISA = ("Util::Filename");
use strict;

# constructor
sub new {

    my $proto=shift;
    my $self=$proto->SUPER::new(@_);


    # file name extensions
    $self->{INFO} = Util::FilenameInfo->new();

    # BAT shared repository
    if($self->jobpar()->read("use_repository") eq "yes" ) {
        my $dir = $self->procpar()->read("repository");
        $self->{REPOSITORY} = Util::ShortTermRepository->new($dir, $self);

    # cache of root names for sequence based files


    return $self;


# Converts a full instrument name into a single character instrument code
sub instrument_code {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;

    $name = lc($name);
    if(   $name eq "uvot" ) { return "u";   }
    elsif($name eq "xrt"  ) { return "x";   }
    elsif($name eq "bat"  ) { return "b";   }
    elsif($name eq "fom")   { return "f";   }
    elsif($name eq "swift") { return "s";   }
    elsif($name eq "proc" ) { return "p";   }
    elsif($name eq "all"  ) { return "*";   }
    else                    { return $name; }

# returns the full name of an instrument in lower case, given its one
# letter code. Returns "swift" for "s" and returns an empty string
# for an unknown instrument code
sub instrument_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $inst = shift;

    if($inst eq "u") {return "uvot";}
    if($inst eq "x") {return "xrt";}
    if($inst eq "b") {return "bat";}
    if($inst eq "f") {return "fom";}
    if($inst eq "s") {return "swift";}
    if($inst eq "p") {return "proc";}
    if($inst eq "*") {return "all";}

    return "";

# returns the a list of uinstrument codes from a string which may contain
# globbing wildcards. Things like "*" and "[ux]" are supported.
sub instrument_list {
    my $self = shift;
    my $template = shift;

    if($template eq "*") {
        # any
        return ("u", "x", "b", "s", "f", "p");

    } elsif( $template =~ /^\[.*\]$/ ) {
        # handle a bracketed list of names
        my @instruments = $template =~ /\[(.)*\]/;
        return (@instruments);

    } else {
        # no wildcards
        return ($template);

} # end of instrument list method

# returns true if the given type can have its filename constructed genericly
sub isGeneric {
    my $self=shift;
    my $type=shift;

    return $self->{INFO}->is_generic($type);

# generate a filename of a given type
sub glob_template {
    my $self=shift;

    my $type =shift || '';
    my $inst =shift || 'proc';
    my $mode =shift || '';
    my $index=shift;

    # convert the instrument to a single character code
    $inst = $self->instrument_code($inst);

    # initialize an array to hold the templates
    my @list=();

    if( $self->isGeneric($type) ) {
        # generic file names - this should handle most cases
        my @templates;

	# force index to be at least two digits
	if( $index && $index =~ /\d+/ && length($index)<2 ) { $index = sprintf('%02d', $index); }

	# default index
	$index = '*' if $self->{'INFO'}->is_repository($type, $inst) eq 'TIME';
	$index = '*[0-9][0-9]' if ($index && $index eq '*');
	if( ! $index || $index eq '00' ){
	  $index = '';
	  $index = '_' . $index;

        foreach my $i ($self->instrument_list($inst) ) {

	  # make sure this instrument has files of this type
	  unless($self->{INFO}->is_valid_instrument($type, $i) ) { next; }

	  # TDRSS field
	  my $tdrss = '';
	  $tdrss = 'ms' if $self->{INFO}->is_tdrss($type, $i);

	  my $suffix_noindex = $self->{INFO}->ext($type, $i);

	  my $gaoff = '';
          $gaoff .= 'o[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]'
	    if ($self->{INFO}->is_offset($type, $i) && $mode!~/o[a-f0-9]{4}/);
          $gaoff .= 'g[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]'
	    if ($self->{INFO}->is_gain($type, $i) && $mode!~/g[a-f0-9]{4}/);

	  $suffix_noindex =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)/$1${gaoff}.$2/
	    if $gaoff;

	  my $suffix = $suffix_noindex;
	  $suffix =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)/$1${index}.$2/
	    if $index;

          my $root;
          if( $self->{'INFO'}->not_seqid($type, $i) || $self->{'INFO'}->is_repository($type, $i) ||
	      $self->{'INFO'}->is_tdrss($type, $i) ){
	    $root = 's[tw][t0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]';
	    $root = $self->sequence_specific();

	  push @list,  $root . $tdrss . $i . $mode . $suffix_noindex if $index eq '_*[0-9][0-9]';

	  push @list,  $root . $tdrss . $i . $mode . $suffix;

        } # end of loop over instruments

    } elsif( $type eq "telemetry" ) {
        # telemetry mode is packet type and index is APID
        # note that these have overlapping meaning
        # instrument translates into a range of APIDs
        # That's handled in the filter method
        push @list, ("swift_${mode}_".

    } else {

        # Check if this is an instrument cal file.  Prepend the
        # instrument name to the procpar param name
        # This code supports parameter names of the type
        # <inst>_<name>_<index>
        my $procpar = $self->procpar();

        foreach ($self->instrument_list($inst)) {
	    my @cal_list;
            my $param = $self->instrument_name($_) . '_' . $type;
            $param .= "_$index" if(defined $index && $index ne "" && $index ne '*');

            push @cal_list, ($procpar->read($param))
            if $procpar->has($param);

            if(defined $index && $index eq '*') {

                open PARFILE, $procpar->name();
                foreach (<PARFILE>){
                    push @cal_list, ( $procpar->read($1)) if /^(($param)_\d+),/;
                close PARFILE;
	    push @list, @cal_list;
	    push @{$self->{CAL_FILES}}, @cal_list;

        # inherit mission-independant stuff
	  unless @list;

    return @list;

} # end of glob_template method

sub filter {
    my $self = shift;
    my $list = shift;

    my $type =shift || '';
    my $inst =shift || '';
    my $mode =shift || '';
    my $index=shift;

    $inst = $self->instrument_code($inst);

    my @files = @{$list};

    if( $self->isGeneric($type) ) {

      # In order for $index='*' to work as a glob, must test
      # for existence of file with no index.
      shift @files if( $index && $index eq '*' && @files && ! -f $files[0] );

      @files = (grep !/_\d+\./, @files) if (defined $index && ($index =~ /^0+$/));

      return @files unless @files;

      # eliminate any duplicate file names
      if( @files> 1 ){
	my %files;
	foreach (@files) { $files{$_}=1; }
	@files = keys %files;

      # Check for files that got wrongly associated with this type because they have
      # the same suffix as the this type.
      foreach my $i ($self->instrument_list($inst) ) {
	my $inst_info = $self->{'INFO'}->{$i};
	if( $inst_info->{$type}->{'anti'} ){
	  # The type has anti-types.  Hopefully this is not true very often, so that
	  # this part of the code is only executed occasionally
	  my @bad;
	  my $ext = $inst_info->{$type}->{'ext'};
	  foreach my $atype (@{$inst_info->{$type}->{'anti'}}) {
	    my $aext = $inst_info->{$atype}->{'ext'};
	    unless( $aext eq $ext ){
	      my ($qaext, $gaoff) = ($aext, '');
	      $gaoff .= '(o[a-f0-9]{4})?' if $self->{'INFO'}->is_offset($atype, $i);
	      $gaoff .= '(g[a-f0-9]{4})?' if $self->{'INFO'}->is_gain($atype, $i);

	      $qaext =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)/${1}${gaoff}_?\\d*\\.${2}/;
	      push @bad, grep(/${qaext}$/, @files);
	      # If the extensions for the two types are the same, then there must
	      # be some other distinguishing factor
	      my $atdrss = $self->{'INFO'}->is_tdrss($atype, $i);
	      my $tdrss = $self->{'INFO'}->is_tdrss($type, $i);
	      if( $atdrss && !$tdrss ){
		push @bad, grep(/^s[tw]\d+ms/, @files);
	      }elsif( !$atdrss && $tdrss ){
		push @bad, grep(!/^s[tw]\d+ms/, @files);

	      my $gain = $self->{'INFO'}->is_gain($atype, $i);
	      my $offset = $self->{'INFO'}->is_offset($atype, $i);
	      if( $gain && !$offset ){
		push @bad, grep( (/g[a-f0-9]{4}[_\.]/ && !/o[a-f0-9]{4}g/), @files );
	      }elsif( $offset && !$gain ){
		push @bad, grep(/o[a-f0-9]{4}[_\.]/, @files);
	      }elsif( $offset && $gain ){
		push @bad, grep(/o[a-f0-9]{4}g[a-f0-9]{4}[_\.]/, @files);

	  # Remove 'bad' files from the list
	  my %bad;
	  foreach (@bad){ $bad{$_}=1; }
	  @files = grep !$bad{$_}, @files;

      # Special treatment of repository files
      if( $self->{'INFO'}->is_repository($type, $inst) && @files > 1) {
	my $best_time = 0;
	my $best_file;
	foreach (@files) {
	  if( /_([^_.]*)\./ && $1>$best_time && $1<=$index ){
	    $best_file = $_;
	    $best_time = $1;
	return ($best_file);

      return @files;

    } elsif($type eq "telemetry") {
        # telemetry files. Instrument gets translated into
        # a range in APIDs.
        if($inst eq "*") { return @files; }

        my @instruments = $self->instrument_list($inst);

        my @list=();
        foreach (@files) {
            # get the instrument for the current file
            my $file = $self->remove_path($_);
            my ($i, $dum2, $dum3) = $self->parse($file, $type);

            # check if the instrument is among the ones we asked for
            if(grep { $_ eq $i } @instruments ) { push @list, ($_); }
        return @list;

    } else {
        # for anything else we inherit the superclass behavior
        # which does no filtering
        return ($self->SUPER::filter($list, $type,$inst,$index,$mode));

} # end of filter method

sub fetch_from_repository {
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my @args = @_;
    my $log = $self->log();

    if($self->{REPOSITORY} ) {
        # Truncate time to the nearest second
        $args[2] = sprintf '%f', $args[2];
        $args[2] =~ s/\..*$//;

        my $file = $self->{REPOSITORY}->fetch($type, @args);
	# $log->entry("File name returned from repository is $file .");
	unless($file && -f $file){
          if (not $self->{MISSING_REPO_OK}) {
	    $log->error(2, "No file returned from repository, type $type, index $args[2]");
	  return () unless -f $file;
	  return $file;

	# Remove time index from file name
	my $new_name = $file;
        $new_name =~ s/_[^_.]*\././;
	rename $file, $new_name;

	return ($new_name) if wantarray();
	return $new_name;
    } else {
        $log->entry("Not using shared repository");
        return $self->get($type, @args);


sub export_to_repository {
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $inst = shift;
    my @files = @_;

    my $log = $self->log();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
    my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

    $inst = $self->instrument_code($inst);

    my $repos_type = $self->{'INFO'}->{$inst}->{$type}->{'repository'};
    delete $self->{'INFO'}->{$inst}->{$type}->{'repository'};
    @files=$self->get($type, $inst, '*', '*') unless(@files);
    $self->{'INFO'}->{$inst}->{$type}->{'repository'} = $repos_type;

    if( $self->{REPOSITORY} && @files && $files[0] ) {
        $log->entry("Exporting the following files to the shared repository: ".
                    join ' ', @files );

	my $soft_version = $jobpar->read('softver');
	my $cal_version = $jobpar->read('caldbver');
	my $proc_version = $procpar->read('version');
	my $seq_num = int($jobpar->read('seqprocnum'));
	my $reprocess = $jobpar->read('reprocess');

	# Rename the files to have the proper index
	my @new_files;
	foreach my $file (@files){
	  my $newname = $file;
	  my $fitsfile = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0);

	  $fitsfile->keyword('SOFTVER', $soft_version, 'HEASOFT and Swift versions');
	  $fitsfile->keyword('CALDBVER', $cal_version, 'CALDB index versions used');
	  $fitsfile->keyword('PROCVER', $proc_version, 'Processing script version' );
	  $fitsfile->keyword('SEQPNUM', $seq_num, 'Number of times the dataset processed' );
	  $fitsfile->keyword('REPROC', 'T', 'Is this from a bulk reprocessing run?') if $reprocess eq 'yes';

	  my $index;
	  if($repos_type eq 'OBSID'){
	    # Index by target number
	    my $obsid = $fitsfile->keyword('OBS_ID');
require Util::BATCave;
	    $index = Util::BATCave::get_bscalemap_index($log, $obsid);
	  }elsif($repos_type eq 'TIME'){
	    # Index by time.
	    $index = $fitsfile->keyword('TSTART');
	    # Truncate time to the nearest second
	    $index =~ s/\..*$//;
	      $log->error(1, "File $file does not have proper TSTART.  Will not put in respository.");
	    $log->error(2, "Repository type $repos_type not recognized.");
	  $newname =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/${1}_${index}.${2}/;
          rename $file, $newname;
          push @new_files, $newname;
        $self->{REPOSITORY}->export($type, @new_files);
	unlink @new_files;


# parse the fields in a filename
sub parse {
    my $self=shift;
    my $filename=shift;
    my $type=shift;

    if($self->isGeneric($type) ){
      # first we have to pull out the instrument code
      $filename =~ s/^s[tw]t?\d+//;
      my $tdrss;
      if(substr($filename,0,2) eq 'ms') {
	# looks like there is a TDRSS field before the instrument
	$filename =~ s/^ms//;
	$tdrss = 1;

      # get various parts from the FilenameInfo registry
      my $inst = substr($filename, 0, 1);
      my ($pre_suffix, $post_suffix) = $self->{INFO}->ext($type, $inst) =~ /(\w*)\.(\w+)/;

      $pre_suffix .= 'o[a-f0-9]{4}' if $self->{INFO}->is_offset($type, $inst);
      $pre_suffix .= 'g[a-f0-9]{4}' if $self->{INFO}->is_gain($type, $inst);

      # now we can parse
      my @parts;
      if( $filename =~ /${pre_suffix}_\d+\./ ){
          # there is an index field
          @parts =
	    ( $filename =~ /^([spbxuf])(.*)${pre_suffix}_(\d+)\.${post_suffix}/ );
          # no index field in the filename -
          # so the "phantom index" defaults to 00
	  @parts = $filename =~ /([spbxuf])(.*)${pre_suffix}\.${post_suffix}/;

      return (@parts);

    } elsif($type eq "telemetry") {
        # telemetry files
        my @fields = split /_/, $filename;
        my $mode =$fields[1];
        my $apid = $fields[4];
        $apid =~ s/\..*$//;
        my $inst = $self->instrument_for_apid($apid);
        return ($inst, $mode, $apid);

    } else {
        # unknown type

} # end of parse method

# returns the one character instrument name for a given APID
sub instrument_for_apid {
    my $self = shift;
    my $apid = shift;

    if(                $apid <= 100 ) { return "s" }
    if($apid >= 289 && $apid <= 571 ) { return "b" }
    if($apid >= 576 && $apid <= 1151) { return "u" }
    if($apid >=1152 && $apid <= 1439) { return "x" }

    return "unknown";

} # end of instrument for apid method

# Parse the path to see if this is a grism image

sub is_grism {
	my ($self, $path, $type) = @_;

	my @parts = $self->parse($path, $type);

	my $grism = $parts[1] =~ /^g(u|v)$/;

	return $grism;

# Return names of the sky image files, but not including the grism ones.

sub getNonGrismSkyImages {

    my ($self) = @_;

    my @skyFiles = $self->get('filterimg', 'uvot', '*', '*');

    my @nonGrism;
    foreach my $skyFile (@skyFiles) {
	next if $self->is_grism($skyFile, 'skyimage');
	push(@nonGrism, $skyFile);

    return @nonGrism;

# Convert between filter code and name or id
# as defined in UvotNames.pm

sub filter_name_for_code {

    my ($self, $code) = @_;

    my $codes = $Subs::UvotNames::filterCodes;
    my $names = $Subs::UvotNames::filterNames;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$codes; ++$i) {
        if ($codes->[$i] eq $code) {
            return $names->[$i];

    return 'UNKNOWN';

sub filter_code_for_name {

    my ($self, $name) = @_;

    my $codes = $Subs::UvotNames::filterCodes;
    my $names = $Subs::UvotNames::filterNames;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$names; ++$i) {
        if ($names->[$i] eq $name) {
            return $codes->[$i];

    return 'qq';

sub filter_id_for_code {

    my ($self, $code) = @_;

    my $codes = $Subs::UvotNames::filterCodes;
    my $ids   = $Subs::UvotNames::filterIDs;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$codes; ++$i) {
        if ($codes->[$i] eq $code) {
            return $ids->[$i];

    return 'UNKNOWN';

sub filter_code_for_id {

    my ($self, $id) = @_;

    my $codes = $Subs::UvotNames::filterCodes;
    my $ids   = $Subs::UvotNames::filterIDs;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$ids; ++$i) {
        if ($ids->[$i] eq $id) {
            return $codes->[$i];

    return 'qq';

# Generate file names and only return those that exist

sub getExisting
	my ($self, @args) = @_;
	my @gotten = $self->get(@args);
	my @exist;
	foreach my $name (@gotten) {
		if (-f $name) {
			push(@exist, $name);
	return @exist;

# add standard keywords to the headers of passed FITS files.
# The first parameter must be a Subs::Sub.
# Optionally, a hash reference of options can be passed as the second
# parameter.
sub write_standard_keywords {

    my $self = shift;

    my $log      = $self->log();
    my $filename = $self->filename();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
    my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

    my %arg;
    if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
       my $href = shift;
       %arg = %$href;
    my @file = @_;

    # Setup for UTCF value
    my $time_file = $filename->get('timedata', 'swift', '', 0);
    my (@utcf_times, @utcf);
    if( -f $time_file ){
      my $time_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($time_file, 'UTCF');
      @utcf_times = $time_fits->cols('TIME')->table();
      @utcf = $time_fits->cols('UTCF')->table();

    my $soft_version = $jobpar->read('softver');
    my $cal_version = $jobpar->read('caldbver');
    my $reprocess = $jobpar->read('reprocess');

    # Trigger time, if relevant
    my $trigtime = $jobpar->read('burst_time');

    # Predetermine ATTFLAG for UVOT ($uattflag) and non-UVOT ($oattflag) files
    #   - ATTFLAG has 3 digits: (0|1)xx=sat not used|used,
    #     x(0|1)x=pat not used|used (jump correction applied),
    #     xx(0|1)=uat not used|used (aspect correction applied)
    #   - Only used for BAT, UVOT, XRT, and some XRT TDRSS files
    #   - uat file (aspect corrected) is only used for UVOT files.
    #   - pat (jump corrected) or sat could have been used for any of them.
    #   - uat file would only have beeen USED during FINAL processing,
    #     (although UvotImages will usually create one anyway so just
    #     checking for its existence as we did originally is often wrong).
    #   - Else the pat file was used if it existed.
    #   - If not then the sat file.
    #   - uat could have been created from sat even if no pat (101)
    # This will be added to any HDUs in this file that don't already
    # have ATTFLAG, and compared to any that do.
    # Note this assumes this actually is how attitude was calculated.
    # Also, that if an attfile exists it was used (with the caveat above
    # about uat only being used in FINAL).
    my $oattflag = '';
    my $uattflag = '';
       my $sat = (-e $filename->get('attitude', 's') ) ? '1' : '0';
       my $pat = (-e $filename->get('attcorr', 'p') ) ? '1' : '0';
       my $uat = ($jobpar->{TIMELIST}{final} and (-e $filename->get('attcorr', 'u'))) ? '1' : '0';

       $oattflag = join('', $sat, $pat, '0');
       $uattflag = join('', $sat, $pat, $uat);

    # @attflag_msgs collects all messages about ATTFLAG
    # so we can mail them all at once.
    my @attflag_msgs;

    # loop over all FITS files
    my $file;

    foreach $file (@file) {

	$log->entry("Adding standard keywords to $file");

        my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file);
	my $is_tdrss  = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}ms/;
	my $is_batevt = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}bev/;
	my $is_eng    = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}.*en\.hk$/;
	my $is_att    = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}.at\.fits$/;
	my $is_sm     = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}bsmcb\.fits$/;
	my $is_bat    = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}b/;
	my $is_uvot   = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}u/;
	my $is_xrt    = $file =~ /s[wt][t\d]\d{10}x/;

        # loop over HDUs in the FITS file
        my $nhdus = $fits->nhdus();
	unless ($nhdus) {
	  $log->error(2, "Cannot get number of HDUs for FITS file $file.");

        my $hdu;
        for ( $hdu=0; $hdu<$nhdus; $hdu++ ) {
	    my $extname = $hdu==0 ? '' : $fits->keyword('EXTNAME');

            # write keywords to the file

            $fits->keyword('PROCVER', $procpar->read('version'),
                           'Processing script version' );

	    unless( $is_eng || ($extname && $extname=~/GTI/) ){
		# NB: $soft_version is now so long that there isn't enough
		# room left (~4 chars!) for a useful comment string.
		$fits->keyword('SOFTVER', $soft_version);
		$fits->keyword('CALDBVER', $cal_version,
			       'CALDB index versions used');

	      $fits->keyword('TIMESYS', 'TT', 'time system');
	      $fits->keyword('MJDREFI', 51910, 'MJD reference day 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00');
	      $fits->keyword('MJDREFF', 7.428703700000000E-04,
			     'MJD reference (fraction of day) 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00');
	      $fits->keyword('CLOCKAPP', 'F', 'If clock correction are applied (F/T)');
	      $fits->keyword('TIMEUNIT', 's', 'Time unit for timing header keywords');

	      $fits->keyword('REPROC', 'T', 'Is this from a bulk reprocessing run?') if $reprocess eq 'yes';

	      $fits->keyword('TIERRELA', '1.0E-8', '[s/s] relative errors expressed as rate');
	      $fits->keyword('TIERABSO', '1.0', '[s] timing  precision  in seconds');

	    unless($is_tdrss || $is_sm){
              # sprintf('%011d', $sequence) messed up on large sequence numbers (for perl using 32 bit integers)
              my $sequence = $jobpar->read('sequence');
              if (length($sequence) < 11) {
                 $sequence = '0' x (11 - length($sequence)) . $sequence;
              my $seqtarg = substr($sequence, 0, 8);
              my $seqseg = substr($sequence, 8, 3);
              $fits->keyword('OBS_ID', "'$seqtarg$seqseg'",
                             'Observation ID' );

              $fits->keyword('SEQPNUM', int($jobpar->read('seqprocnum')),
                             'Number of times the dataset processed' );
	      $fits->keyword('TARG_ID', int(sprintf("%d",$jobpar->read('target'))),
			     'Target ID');
	      $fits->keyword('SEG_NUM', int(sprintf("%d",$jobpar->read('obs'))),
			     'Segment number');

	      $fits->keyword('OBJECT', $jobpar->read('object'), 'Object name');
	      $fits->keyword('RA_OBJ', $jobpar->read('burst_ra'), '[deg] R.A. Object');
	      $fits->keyword('DEC_OBJ', $jobpar->read('burst_dec'), '[deg] Dec Object');

	      $fits->keyword('RA_PNT', $jobpar->read('ra'), '[deg] RA pointing');
	      $fits->keyword('DEC_PNT', $jobpar->read('dec'), '[deg] Dec pointing');
	      $fits->keyword('PA_PNT', $jobpar->read('roll'), '[deg] Position angle (roll)');

	      $fits->keyword('TRIGTIME', $trigtime, '[s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target')
		if $trigtime;

			     $jobpar->read('burst_cat_src') eq 'yes' ? 'T' : 'F');

	    if ( $is_att ) {

		# attitude files sat, pat, uat: remove these keywords
		# 2016-11-03 do not remove UTCFINIT which is now added to sw<>sat.fits
		# and propagated from there to pat/uat
		$fits->keyword('-ATTSTATU', ' ');

	    else {

	      # Optionally set ATTFLAG. This allows the same routine to be used
	      # by SW0WrapUp, XrtGrbLc and UvotProduct.
	      if ($arg{ATTFLAG}) {

		# Set ATTFLAG if it wasn't already.  Only do this for bat,
		# uvot, and xrt files (all HDUs).
		# If find one already in this HDU, leave as is but log it;
		# complain if doesn't match what we expect for this file.
		# If find one in another file type, also complain.
		my $existattflag = $fits->keyword('ATTFLAG');
		my $fhdu = "${file}[${hdu}" .
		    (defined($extname) ? " ${extname}" : "") . "]";

		my $attflag = $is_uvot ? $uattflag : $oattflag;

		if ( $is_bat || $is_uvot || $is_xrt ) {

		    if ( defined($existattflag) ) {

			# Leave any existing ATTFLAG as it is, but complain
			# if it disagrees with what we expect.
			if ($existattflag ne $attflag) {
			    my $msg = "Expected ATTFLAG=${attflag}, found ${existattflag}, in $fhdu";
			    push @attflag_msgs, $msg;
			} else {
			    ## my $msg = "Found ATTFLAG=${existattflag} in $fhdu";
			    ## $log->entry($msg);
			    ## push @attflag_msgs, $msg;

		    } else {

			# No existing ATTFLAG, so write the expected value.
			# Note: comment gets truncated after 47 chars.
			# Frank wanted this comment string.
			$fits->keyword('ATTFLAG', "'$attflag'",
			      'Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat');

			## my $msg = "Set ATTFLAG=$attflag in $fhdu";
			## $log->entry($msg);
			## push @attflag_msgs, $msg;

		} elsif (    ( ($file =~ /msxim_rw|msxpc_uf/)
			       && ($extname eq 'ATTITUDE') )
			  || ( ($file =~ /msxim_sk/)
			       && ($extname =~ /^ATTITUDE|^LNG|^SHT/) )
			  || ( ($file =~ /msxpc_cl/)
			       && ($extname =~ /^ATTITUDE|^EVENTS/) )
			     ) {
		    # There are a few non-instrument files/HDUs where we
		    # expect an ATTFLAG that was set earlier, so gripe if
		    # one's NOT there.  *msx* = xrt tdrss messages, see
		    # XRT2FITS.pm and xrttdrss2 (XrtTdrss.pm).
		    if (! defined($existattflag)) {
			my $msg = "Did not find an ATTFLAG in $fhdu";
			$log->error(1,$msg);     # should this be an entry?
			push @attflag_msgs, $msg;

		} elsif ( defined($existattflag) ) {

		    # Not a file/hdu where we wanted or expected an
		    # ATTFLAG, but we found one anyway!
		    my $msg = "Found ATTFLAG=${existattflag} in unexpected place $fhdu";
		    push @attflag_msgs, $msg;


	      # Determine and set UTCFINIT
	      my $tstart = $fits->keyword('TSTART');
	      unless( $tstart ){
		my $date = $fits->keyword('DATE-OBS');
		if( $date ){
		  my $start = Util::Date->new($date);
		  $tstart = $start->seconds();

	      if( $tstart && @utcf ){
		my $itime = 0;
		while( $tstart > $utcf_times[$itime] &&
		       $itime < $#utcf_times){ $itime++ }
		$fits->keyword('UTCFINIT', $utcf[$itime], '[s] UTCF at TSTART');



    # Mail any ATTFLAG errors to watchers
    if (@attflag_msgs > 0) {
	my $seqnum = $jobpar->read('sequence') . '.'
	    . $jobpar->read('seqprocnum');

	my $text = "Sequence $seqnum had the following ATTFLAG messages in write_standard_keywords:\n\n"
	    . join("\n", @attflag_msgs);

	Util::Email::sendEmail( TO => $procpar->read('watchers'),
				SUB => $self,
				SUBJECT => "ATTFLAG messages in $seqnum",
				TEXT => $text );

} # end of write_standard_keywords method
