Util::Catalog (version 1.0)

package Util::Catalog;
# DESCRIPTION: This class is useful for generating catalogs of files.
# DESCRIPTION: Calling the "make" method will create a FITS output catalog
# DESCRIPTION: with the standard format. The genral user does not need
# DESCRIPTION: to worry about any of the other methods.
# DESCRIPTION: Certain catalog information is accumulated in the class data.
# DESCRIPTION: This makes it more efficient to generate more than one catalog
# DESCRIPTION: containing identical files. 
# DESCRIPTION: It also allows the "all_files" and "fits_files" methods to
# DESCRIPTION: give lists
# DESCRIPTION: of files in the union of all catalogs created so far.
# DESCRIPTION: Sub-classes may change the format of the catalog file
# DESCRIPTION: by overriding some of the methods. The Util::HTMLcatalog class
# DESCRIPTION: does this.
# HISTORY: 2005-05-27
# HISTORY: Add capability a file type to have more than one file class
# VERSION: 1.0

use Util::Stool;
use strict;

my $LOG;
my $isFITS;


my %SIZE;



# initialize some of the class data
sub BEGIN {

    # initialize variables


    # text for header template file
    $HEADER_TEMPLATE.="TYPE     32A\n";
    $HEADER_TEMPLATE.="FILESIZE  1J kilobytes\n";
    $HEADER_TEMPLATE.="ARCHSIZE  1J kilobytes\n";


# constructor
sub new { #(catalog_type)
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

    # be sure we are initialized
    unless( $FILENAME) {
        print STDERR "Util::Catalog not initialized properly";
        exit 1;

    # initialize some variables
    my $self={};

    # put references to these variables in $self so that they
    # can be accessed by sub-classes






    return $self;



# set or return the filename generator object for this class
sub filename {
    my $self=shift;
    if(@_) {
        # we are setting the filename object

        # text for keywords template file
        my $origin=$FILENAME->procpar()->read("origin");
        my $seq   =$FILENAME->sequence();
        my $ver   =$FILENAME->version();

        $KEYWORD_TEMPLATE ="ORIGIN=$origin / Place this file was created\n";


    } # end if setting FILENAME object

    return $FILENAME;

# set the files which we should not expect to exist yet when we
# are making the catalog.
sub future_files { #(type=>format, type=>format...)
    my $self=shift;

    my $type;
    foreach $type (keys %FUTURE_FILES ) {

# returns a list of all FITS format files appearing in all
# catalogs created so far.
sub fits_files {
    my $self=shift;

    return keys %FITS_FILES;

# returns a list of all files appearing in all
# catalogs created so far.
sub all_files {
    my $self=shift;
    return keys %ALL_FILES;


# determine the format (FITS, ASCII, etc.) of a file.
sub format {
    my $self=shift;
    my $file=shift;

    # determine the file format if we don't know it already
    unless( $FORMAT{$file} ) {
        # create the isFITS tool if it doesn't already exist
        unless($isFITS) { 

        # determine the format


    # return the file size
    return $FORMAT{$file};

} # end of format method

# determine the size of a file in kilobytes
sub size {
    my $self=shift;
    my $file=shift;

    # calculate the file size if we don't know it already
    unless( defined $SIZE{$file} ) {

        $SIZE{$file}=int((-s $file)/1024+.5);


    # return the file size
    return $SIZE{$file};

} # end of size method

# add a file to the catalog
sub add_file {
    my $self=shift;
    my $file=shift;
    my $type=shift;
    my $classes=shift;
    my $description=shift;

#print "file=|$file| type=|$type| class=|$class| desc=|$description|\n";

    my $format=$self->format($file);
    my $size  =$self->size($file);

    if($format eq 'FITS' ) { $FITS_FILES{$file}=$type }
    foreach my $class (@$classes){
      $self->{DATA}.="$file $format $type $class '$description' ";
      $self->{DATA}.="$size 0 0 'ffffffff'\n";


# return all the files of a given type
sub files_of_type {
    my $self=shift;
    my $type=shift;

    unless($FILES_OF_TYPE{$type} ) {
        # need to determine the files for this type

        if($FUTURE_FILES{$type}) {
            # the file of this type may not exist yet
            my $file=$FILENAME->get($type);
            if( -f $file && ! $SIZE{file} ) {
                # the file has been created already
                # but has zero size, so set its size as 
                # unknown so it will be determined later


        } else {
            # only add the files of this type which already exist
            foreach ($FILENAME->any($type)) {
                if(-f ) {push @{$FILES_OF_TYPE{$type}}, ($_) }
        } # end if files should exist already
    } # end if we needed to determine the files for this type

    return @{$FILES_OF_TYPE{$type}};

# add all the files of a given type to the catalog
sub add_type {
    my $self=shift;
    my $type=shift;

    my $description=$FILENAME->description($type);
    my $classes    =$FILENAME->class($self->{CAT_TYPE},$type);

    my $file;
    foreach $file ($self->files_of_type($type) ) {


# add all the files of all the file types to the catalog
sub fill {
    my $self=shift;

    my $type;
    foreach $type ($FILENAME->types($self->{CAT_TYPE}) ) {


# actually write the catalog file
sub close {
    my $self=shift;

    # create the template files
    my $header_template="$self->{CAT_TYPE}_header_template.tmp";
    open  HEADER, ">$header_template";
    close HEADER;

    my $keyword_template="$self->{CAT_TYPE}_keyword_template.tmp";
    open  KEYWORD, ">$keyword_template";
    close KEYWORD;

    my $data_template="$self->{CAT_TYPE}_data_template.tmp";
    open  DATA, ">$data_template";
    print DATA $self->{DATA};
    close DATA;

    # run fcreate - destroy it explicitly to be sure the parfile is
    # not hanging around later when we look for leftover files
    unlink $self->{CAT_NAME};

               ->params({outfile  => $self->{CAT_NAME},
                         datafile =>    $data_template,
                         cdfile   =>  $header_template,
                         headfile => $keyword_template,
                         tbltype  => "binary",
                         nskip    => 0,
                         nrows    => 0,
                         history  => "no",
                         morehdr  => 0,
                         extname  => "CATALOG",
                         clobber  => "yes" })

    # clean up the temporary files
    unlink    $data_template;
    unlink  $header_template;
    unlink $keyword_template;

} # end of close method

# fill and close the catalog
sub make {
    my $self=shift;

    $LOG->entry("Creating $self->{CAT_NAME}");


    return $self;

# add the name of the catalog to the parfile
sub register_in_parfile {
    my $self=shift;
    my $param=shift || $self->{CAT_TYPE};


