Subs::UVOT2FITS (version 0.0)

package Subs::UVOT2FITS;
# DESCRIPTION: This subroutine decodes the UVOT telemetry.
# HISTORY: $Log:,v $
# HISTORY: Revision 1.24  2007/01/31 17:24:43  apsop
# HISTORY: New parameter for uvot2fits, maximagesize set to default for now.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.23  2006/06/15 22:13:59  apsop
# HISTORY: Exclude event data from first 992 only if image data is actually present.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.22  2006/04/27 15:52:00  apsop
# HISTORY: Create new uvot trend monitoring file.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.21  2005/07/29 14:31:53  apsop
# HISTORY: Selective uvot proccessing changed to occur only for 992 segments.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.20  2005/07/08 19:03:47  apsop
# HISTORY: Turn down chatter on uvot2fits from 8 to 4.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.19  2005/06/01 15:59:44  apsop
# HISTORY: Only process image data is this is the first time image data was available.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.18  2005/04/19 15:24:24  apsop
# HISTORY: Do not run uvot2fits unless there is science data.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.17  2005/03/25 19:48:52  apsop
# HISTORY: Pass apid 866 to uvot2fits.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.16  2004/12/10 02:20:31  apsop
# HISTORY: Changes to support mission pneumonic other than sw.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.15  2004/11/09 23:52:24  apsop
# HISTORY: Add in uvot2fits support for apids 776 and 782.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.14  2004/10/20 18:49:46  apsop
# HISTORY: Add in additonal apids which are handled by uvot2fits.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.13  2004/06/08 13:28:42  apsop
# HISTORY: Bug fix for analyzing memory dump data
# HISTORY: Revision 1.12  2004/06/07 23:59:55  apsop
# HISTORY: Add apids for memory dumps.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.11  2004/05/28 19:49:02  apsop
# HISTORY: Put in APID for GENIE image.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.10  2004/05/06 20:02:34  dah
# HISTORY: Add version number back into the header comments.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.9  2004/04/28 13:47:35  dah
# HISTORY: Make one method for extracting hk, and put it in Swift2FTIS superclass.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.8  2004/04/16 20:21:18  dah
# HISTORY: Begin using embedded history records
# VERSION: 0.0

use Subs::Swift2FITS;
use Util::Tool;

@ISA = ('Subs::Swift2FITS');
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto=shift;
    my $self=$proto->SUPER::new();

    $self->{DESCRIPTION}="Decoding UVOT Telemetry";

    return $self;


sub body {
    my $self=shift;

    my $log     =$self->log();
    my $filename=$self->filename();
    my $procpar =$self->procpar();
    my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();

    # collect the science APIDs
    my $apid605 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 605);
    my $apid688 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 688); #GeNIe Image Packet (TDRSS)
    my $apid704 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 704); #Segmented Finding Chart
    my $apid776 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 776); #Channel Boundary Data
    my $apid782 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 782); #Intensifier Characteristics
    my $apid843 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 843); #Merged GeNIe data
    my $apid848 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 848); #Exposure  end
    my $apid850 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 850); #Exposure  start
    my $apid853 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 853); #Finding Chart
    my $apid854 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 854); #Centroid Confirmation
    my $apid855 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 855); #Uncompressed Image Data
    my $apid856 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 856); #Compressed Image Data
    my $apid857 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 857); #Uncompressed Event Data
    my $apid858 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 858); #Compressed Event Data
    my $apid860 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 860); #Aspect Following Report
    my $apid861 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 861); #DPU Memory dump
    my $apid866 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 866); #ICU Housekeeping
    my $apid1104 = $filename->get("telemetry", "uvot", "*", 1104); #ICU Memory dump

    # If this is an 992 uvot only obs target, only process event data if
    # image data was processed in a previous processing
    my $seq = $jobpar->read('sequence');
    if( ! $jobpar->{DATALIST}->{uvot_image} && $seq%1000==992 && ($apid855 || $apid856) ){
      undef $apid857;
      undef $apid858;

    # replace blanks with "NONE"
    my $got_something=0;
    foreach ($apid605, $apid688, $apid704, $apid843, $apid848, $apid850, $apid853, 
	     $apid854, $apid855, $apid856, $apid857, $apid858, $apid860, $apid861, 
	     $apid1104) {
        unless($_) { $_ = "NONE"; }
        else       { ++$got_something; }

    foreach ($apid866, $apid782, $apid776) {
        unless($_) { $_ = "NONE"; }

    # set up and run UVOT2fits
    if($got_something) {
      my $mission = $jobpar->read("mission");
      my $filename_base = $mission . $jobpar->read("sequence");
      my $bin = $procpar->read("uvot2fits");
      my $uvot2fits = Util::PseudoFtool->new("$bin/uvot2fits");

                          path    => "./",
			  override  => $mission eq 'sw' ? 'no' : 'yes',
			  maximgsize => 10000,
			  apid605  => $apid605,
			  apid688  => $apid688,
			  apid704  => $apid704,
			  apid776  => $apid776,
			  apid782  => $apid782,
			  apid843  => $apid843,
			  apid848  => $apid848,
			  apid850  => $apid850,
			  apid853  => $apid853,
			  apid854  => $apid854,
			  apid855  => $apid855,
			  apid856  => $apid856,
			  apid857  => $apid857,
			  apid858  => $apid858,
			  apid860  => $apid860,
			  apid861  => $apid861,
			  apid866  => $apid866,
			  apid1104 => $apid1104,
			  clobber => "yes",
			  chatter => 4 });

      # running uvot2fits
      $log->entry("Running ".$uvot2fits->name() );

      if( $mission ne 'sw' ){
	foreach my $file ( glob 'sw???????????msu*' ){
	  my $newfile = $file;
	  $newfile =~ s/^sw/${mission}/;
	  rename $file, $newfile;
    } else {
        $log->entry("No UVOT science telemetry");

    # now extract HK data

    my @hkfiles = $filename->get('hk', 'uvot', '30[8e]x[0-9][0-9][0-9]', 0);
      my $monfile = $filename->get('umon', 'uvot', '', 0);
      $self->fits_combine($monfile, @hkfiles);


} # end of body method
