# uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2008-10-27 fem at 081027d17h16m31s771956usUT
# /Home/eud/uvot_tdrss/perl/uvot_fluxes_wget.pl -seq=00020089992 -rebin -plot_mag -web -update_wiki -wrk_dir=/local/data/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc
# Current directory: /local/data/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc
# ========= GRB081025 ===================
Used archived XRT position of 245.36625 60.47428 4.00
Reference: GCN_Circulars-8411-Sun,_26_Oct_2008_07:08:46_-0400_(EDT)
The position is (16:21:27.90, +60:28:27.4)
Using source region:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
# uvot_fluxes.pl xrt
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Region file centered at (245.36625,60.47428).
which is (16:21:27.90, +60:28:27.4)
Made source region file with 5" aper with name uvot_flux_src5.reg
Coincidence losses are calculated using a 5" aperture.
Exposure times (t_exp) have NOT been corrected for coinc. loss, but rates and mags have been.
A table entry starting with # is an exposure with no aspect solution.
A table entry starting with ! has no pixels in either source or background region.
UL in table gives the 3 sigma upper limit for detection using only the rate in the background region.
UL in the Sum gives the 0.9987 upper limit for detection taking the observed counts into account.
weighted rates (wtd_rate) combine results from different exposures using optimal weights appropriate
for a weak source producing the same magnitude in each filter.
The weight for an exposure is the expected number of source counts divided by the background rate.
The rate is normalized so that a 20th mag. source produces 1 cps.
# ============ Reading file sw00020089992ubb_sk.img ================
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2008-10-26T13:21:58
The trigger time is: 246615725.199 Using zero point of 19.11 for filter B
Use aperture correction of 1.035 based on aperture of 4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure     t-trig  coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 bb246692041I   76316.5  0.96  130.3  508.5 200  15791  5836 -0.270 0.189 99.00 19.7 -0.2696 0.1893 99.00 19.7   130 -0.612  0.430 99.00 0.102 
    Sum (T+ 76316 to  76449):             508.5        541.2 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:  -1.42 0.9987 signif. UL:  20.02
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): -0.612 +/- 0.422 snr: -1.4 mag: 99.00
Rebinned Data for sw00020089992ubb_sk.img:
 No Exposure    t-trig      dt net_rate    +/-    mag    +/-      t-mid     +/-
  0    125.4   76316.5    132.3 -0.2696  0.1893 99.000 99.000   76382.6     66.2
# ============ Reading file sw00020089992uuu_sk.img ================
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2008-10-26T13:21:58
The trigger time is: 246615725.199  Using zero point of 18.34 for filter U
Use aperture correction of  1.032 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 2:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure     t-trig  coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 uu246691129I   75404.0  0.98  295.0  687.8 204  19908  5840 -0.027 0.095 99.00 19.7 -0.0274 0.0954 99.00 19.7   295 -0.126  0.440 99.00 0.090 
   2 uu246691432I   75707.5  0.98  295.0  547.2 196  16874  5866 -0.059 0.085 99.00 19.8 -0.0432 0.0638 99.00 20.1   590 -0.207  0.292 99.00 0.100 
   3 uu246691736I   76011.0  0.98  295.0  528.7 196  15800  5865  0.003 0.083 24.82 19.8 -0.0279 0.0508 99.00 20.4   885 -0.126  0.233 99.00 0.105 
    Sum (T+ 75404 to  76311):            1763.7       1787.2 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:  -0.55 0.9987 signif. UL:  20.45
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): -0.232 +/- 0.201 snr: -1.2 mag: 99.00
Rebinned Data for sw00020089992uuu_sk.img:
 No Exposure    t-trig      dt net_rate    +/-    mag    +/-      t-mid     +/-
  0    868.0   75404.0    906.8 -0.0279  0.0508 99.000 99.000   75857.4    453.4
# ============ Reading file sw00020089992uw1_sk.img ================
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2008-10-26T13:21:57
The trigger time is: 246615725.199  Using zero point of 17.49 for filter UVW1
Use aperture correction of  1.035 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure     t-trig  coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 w1246690222I   74497.7  1.00  885.6  180.7 204   4619  5488  0.011 0.016 22.43 20.8  0.0105 0.0160 22.43 20.8   886  0.106  0.162 22.43 0.510 
   2 w1246696709I   80984.7  1.00  129.1   26.7 204    672  5472  0.013 0.042 22.18 19.8  0.0109 0.0150 22.40 20.9  1015  0.110  0.151 22.40 0.510 
    Sum (T+ 74498 to  81116):             207.4        196.8 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:   0.73 0.9987 signif. UL:  20.60
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): -0.005 +/- 0.120 snr: -0.0 mag: 99.00
Rebinned Data for sw00020089992uw1_sk.img:
 No Exposure    t-trig      dt net_rate    +/-    mag    +/-      t-mid     +/-
  0   1012.9   74497.7   6618.2  0.0109  0.0150 22.398  0.939   77806.8   3309.1
# ============ Reading file sw00020089992um2_sk.img ================
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2008-10-26T13:21:58
The trigger time is: 246615725.199  Using zero point of 16.82 for filter UVM2
Use aperture correction of  1.031 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure     t-trig  coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 m2246695803I   80078.0  1.00  885.6   38.3 208    923  5488  0.004 0.007 22.85 21.0  0.0039 0.0073 22.85 21.0   886  0.073  0.137 22.85 1.353 
    Sum (T+ 80078 to  80978):              38.3         35.0 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:   0.53 0.9987 signif. UL:  20.75
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far):  0.030 +/- 0.089 snr:  0.3 mag: 23.79
Rebinned Data for sw00020089992um2_sk.img:
 No Exposure    t-trig      dt net_rate    +/-    mag    +/-      t-mid     +/-
  0    885.2   80078.0    899.8  0.0039  0.0073 22.847  1.151   80527.9    449.9
The data range from T+74497.7 s (0.86 d) to T+81115.8 s (0.94 d)
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Normal end of uvot_fluxes.pl