# uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2016-02-01 fem at 160310d21h40m20s608980usUT
# /Home/eud/uvot_tdrss/perl/uvot_fluxes_wget.pl -seq=00020602002 -use_uvot -rebin -plot_mag -sens_corr -search_src_reg -wrk_dir=/local/home/khamseen/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc -web -useprev -zp_2011 -gamma=1.0 -use_filter_wtd=white v b u
# Current directory: /local/home/khamseen/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc
# ========= GRB160310A ===================
Used archived XRT position of 98.82250 -7.21550 4.00
The position is (06:35:17.40, -07:12:55.8)
Using source region:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
# uvot_fluxes.pl xrt
global font="helvetica 12 bold" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source=1
fk5;circle(98.8225,-7.2155,4") # color=red dash=0
Region file centered at (98.8225,-7.2155), which is (06:35:17.40, -07:12:55.8)
Made source region file with 5" aper with name uvot_flux_src5.reg
Coincidence losses are calculated using a 5" aperture.
Exposure times (t_exp) have NOT been corrected for coinc. loss, but rates and mags have been.
The no. of background pixels has been corrected by the ratio of coincidence loss corrections in the source and background regions.
The errors have been adjusted to account for the binomial distribution of counts at large rates.
A table entry starting with # is an exposure with no aspect solution.
A table entry starting with ! has no pixels in either source or background region.
A table entry starting with % is unreliable because it is not well inside the image.
Upper limits in tables give the 0.9987 confidence limit using Bayesian analysis for detection taking the observed counts into account.
Upper limits in plots give the 0.9772 confidence limit using Bayesian analysis.
Weighted rates in tables (wtd_rate) combine rates from different exposures weighted by the expected source rate divided by the background rate
The source is assumed to produce the same magnitude in all filters.
The source is assumed to decay as t**(-1.0), and the rate is normalized so that the white filter produces 1 cps at 1000 sec.
The Rebinned Data for All_files combine rates from different exposures weighted by the expected rate divided by the observed sigma squared.
A plot of these data is stored in uvot_fluxes_wtd_date.ps and .gif.
A zero point of 20.29 is adopted for weighting rates.
Subtract UTCF of -15.94554 from trigger time of 479262178.47 in BAT summary file
# ============ Reading file sw00020602001uwh_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.158 at 479303266
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2016-03-10T16:52:29
The trigger time is: 479262194.41554. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 20.132 for filter WHITE
Use aperture correction of 1.035 based on aperture of 4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 wh479303266I 41071.6 0.96 804.9 3370.4 204 75679 4970 0.354 0.079 21.26 20.7 0.3536 0.0791 21.26 20.7 805 16.969 3.797 17.22 0.005
Sum (T+ 41072 to 41889): 3370.4 3106.1 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 4.47 0.9987 signif. UL: 20.70
0 805 479303675 41480.5 408.9 -408.9 0.3536 0.0791 21.260 0.275 -0.219
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 16.969 +/- 3.727 snr: 4.6 mag: 17.22 UL: 16.51
Rebinned Data for sw00020602001uwh_sk.img using a zero point of 20.132:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 773 41480.5 408.9 -408.9 0.3536 0.0791 21.26 0.22 41480.5 0.3536 0.0791 21.26 0.22 20.70
================ Start New Filter V ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00020602001uvv_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.201 at 479304091
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2016-03-10T16:52:30
The trigger time is: 479262194.41554. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 17.689 for filter V
Use aperture correction of 1.030 based on aperture of 4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 vv479304091I 41896.6 0.99 804.9 736.7 208 17831 5016 -0.004 0.036 99.00 20.1 -0.0035 0.0358 99.00 20.1 805 -1.635 16.595 99.00 0.002
2 vv479304913I 42718.6 0.99 38.1 26.3 208 785 5005 -0.171 0.143 99.00 18.8 -0.0111 0.0347 99.00 20.2 843 -5.365 16.125 99.00 0.002
Sum (T+ 41897 to 42757): 763.0 772.0 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: -0.32 0.9987 signif. UL: 20.15
0 843 479304519 42325.0 432.3 -428.4 -0.0111 0.0347 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 15.827 +/- 3.612 snr: 4.4 mag: 17.29 UL: 14.12
Rebinned Data for sw00020602001uvv_sk.img using a zero point of 17.689:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 836 42325.1 432.3 -428.5 -0.0111 0.0347 99.00 99.00 42325.1 -0.0111 0.0347 99.00 99.00 20.15
================ Start New Filter U ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00020602001uuu_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.126 at 479302442
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2016-03-10T16:52:29
The trigger time is: 479262194.41554. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 18.214 for filter U
Use aperture correction of 1.032 based on aperture of 4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 uu479302441I 40247.2 0.99 804.9 1073.1 200 26960 4999 -0.007 0.043 99.00 20.4 -0.0071 0.0434 99.00 20.4 805 -1.952 11.930 99.00 0.003
2 uu479308444I 46250.1 0.99 468.3 473.0 196 11800 5021 0.028 0.049 22.11 20.1 0.0057 0.0329 23.83 20.6 1273 2.070 9.455 19.50 0.003
Sum (T+ 40247 to 46726): 1546.1 1539.2 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.17 0.9987 signif. UL: 20.61
0 1273 479304996 42801.2 3924.7 -2554.0 0.0057 0.0329 23.830 75.170 -2.080
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 14.143 +/- 3.372 snr: 4.2 mag: 17.41 UL: 14.75
# ============ Reading file sw00020602002uuu_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.126 at 479314701
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2016-03-10T21:31:20
The trigger time is: 479262194.41554. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 18.214 for filter U
Use aperture correction of 1.032 based on aperture of 4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 uu479314700I 52506.2 0.99 512.1 328.5 192 9164 5009 -0.046 0.037 99.00 20.8 -0.0461 0.0375 99.00 20.8 512 -16.465 13.380 99.00 0.004
2 uu479320552I 58357.6 0.99 481.2 357.1 196 8905 5077 0.029 0.042 22.06 20.2 -0.0098 0.0279 99.00 20.9 993 -4.684 10.400 99.00 0.004
3 uu479326532I 64338.0 0.99 206.7 157.5 204 3825 5108 0.024 0.064 22.26 19.8 -0.0040 0.0256 99.00 21.0 1200 -2.767 9.752 99.00 0.004
Sum (T+ 52506 to 64548): 843.1 847.7 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: -0.16 0.9987 signif. UL: 20.96
0 1200 479319312 57117.6 7430.4 -4611.4 -0.0040 0.0256 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 12.408 +/- 3.182 snr: 3.9 mag: 17.56 UL: 14.86
Rebinned Data for sw00020602002uuu_sk.img using a zero point of 18.214:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 2.45e+03 49766.0 14782.0 -9518.8 0.0010 0.0210 25.74 3.38 49766.0 0.0010 0.0210 25.74 3.38 21.13
The data range from T+40247.2 s (0.47 d) to T+64548.0 s (0.75 d)
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT.ps
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT_vis.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT_uv.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT_vis.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT_vis.ps
# ================ Make Light Curve for Weighted Filters ==========
Use the following filters with indicated color corrections (mags):
u (0) , white (0) , b (0) , v (0) ,
Rebinned Data for All_files using a zero point of 20.290:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 0.00104 40656.1 408.9 -408.9 -0.0480 0.2934 99.00 99.00 40656.1 -0.0480 0.2934 99.00 99.00 20.40
1 0.0625 41902.1 22645.9 -830.4 0.3877 0.0872 21.32 0.22 41881.7 0.3808 0.0860 21.34 0.22 20.77
The data range from T+40247.2 s (0.47 d) to T+64548.0 s (0.75 d)
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_160310d21h40m20s608980usUT.ps
Normal end of uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2016-02-01 fem