srclist paragraph message for exposure 1 of trigger 173780

------ Start for Possible Stand-alone Circular ----

In response to GRB?????? (Swift/BAT trigger 173780) at 01:51:15.61 UT,

---- UVOT paragraph for Joint or Stand-alone Circular ----

UVOT took a finding chart exposure of nominal 400 seconds with the V filter
starting 86 seconds after the BAT trigger. No afterglow candidate has been
found in the initial data products. Image catalog data are not available at
this time. The overlap of the 8'x8' region for the list of sources generated
on-board and the BAT error circle is uncertain. No correction has been made for
the expected extinction of about 0.2 magnitudes.

------- notes for trigger 173780 ------

*** Warning -- no exposure found, using nominal value.
No XRT position found. BAT position found.

Found 653 stars in largest star catalog for srclist region. The stars will
eliminate afterglows from about 10% of the srclist region. Found 56 sources in
srclist catalog. Found 4 srclist source(s) without IDs. There are 0
candidate(s) in the srclist catalog. No image catalog information found.

All AG candidates sorted by magnitude for the current finding chart.
(SRCLIST mags < 17.5 are reliable. Mag > 18.5 are not. Others are uncertain.)
(Genie image mags < 18.0 are reliable. Mag > 19.0 are not. Others are
(Magnitudes followed by * have been corrected for exposure.)
MET dt f RA DEC MAG Dist.(") Source Aspect Corr.?
156822761 86 V srclist found no candidates.
156822761 86 ? image found no candidates.
List afterglow candidates for other finding charts.

No unique and reliable afterglow was found.