# uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2018-11-07 fem at 190322d17h33m09s943002usUT
# /Home/eud/uvot_tdrss/perl/uvot_fluxes_wget.pl -seq=00894268992 -use_uvot -rebin -plot_mag -sens_corr -search_src_reg -wrk_dir=/local/home/khamseen/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc -web -zp_2011 -gamma=1.0 -use_filter_wtd=white v b u
# Current directory: /local/home/khamseen/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc
# ========= GRB190322 ===================
Could not find/read custom source region custom_894268_src.reg
Used archived XRT position of 314.69875 41.77433 4.00
Reference: GRB_Auto_Processing-Fri,_22_Mar_2019_11:22:56_+0000
The position is (20:58:47.70, +41:46:27.6)
Using source region:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
# uvot_fluxes.pl xrt
global font="helvetica 12 bold" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source=1
fk5;circle(314.69875,41.77433,4") # color=red dash=0
Source region spec. is: 314.69875 41.77433 4"
Region file centered at (314.69875,41.77433), which is (20:58:47.70, +41:46:27.6)
Could not find/read custom background region custom_894268_bkg.reg
Made source region file with 5" aper with name uvot_flux_src5.reg
Coincidence losses are calculated using a 5" aperture.
Exposure times (t_exp) have NOT been corrected for coinc. loss, but rates and mags have been.
The no. of background pixels has been corrected by the ratio of coincidence loss corrections in the source and background regions.
The errors have been adjusted to account for the binomial distribution of counts at large rates.
A table entry starting with # is an exposure with no aspect solution.
A table entry starting with ! has no pixels in either source or background region.
A table entry starting with % is unreliable because it is not well inside the image.
Upper limits in tables give the 0.9987 confidence limit using Bayesian analysis for detection taking the observed counts into account.
Upper limits in plots give the 0.9772 confidence limit using Bayesian analysis.
Weighted rates in tables (wtd_rate) combine rates from different exposures weighted by the expected source rate divided by the background rate
The source is assumed to produce the same magnitude in all filters.
The source is assumed to decay as t**(-1.0), and the rate is normalized so that the white filter produces 1 cps at 1000 sec.
The Rebinned Data for All_files combine rates from different exposures weighted by the expected rate divided by the observed sigma squared.
A plot of these data is stored in uvot_fluxes_wtd_date.ps and .gif.
A zero point of 20.29 is adopted for weighting rates.
Subtract UTCF of -22.59886 from uncorrected trigger time of 574944985.38 in BAT summary file
# ============ Reading file sw00894268992uvv_sk.img ================
Use keyword TRIGTIME of 574945008 for trigger time.
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.263 at 574945866
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-22T17:22:04
The trigger time is: 574945008. The reference is keyword in image file
Using zero point of 17.627 for filter V
Use aperture correction of 1.030 based on aperture of 4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 4:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure      t-trig coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 vv574945865E     857.7  0.98    9.0   18.4 198    507  5722  0.106 0.513 20.06 17.0 
   2 vv574946063E    1056.0  0.98   19.4   36.6 196   1261  5707 -0.365 0.334 99.00 17.8 -0.3646 0.3343 99.00 17.8    19 -4.515  4.140 99.00 0.035 
   3 vv574946188E    1180.9  0.98   19.5   37.9 196   1391  5684 -0.545 0.340 99.00 17.9 -0.4548 0.2385 99.00 18.4    39 -5.788  3.110 99.00 0.032 
   4 vv574946315E    1307.3  0.97   19.5   77.6 201   1935  5720  0.528 0.491 18.32 16.9 -0.1301 0.2276 99.00 18.1    58 -3.142  2.896 99.00 0.026 
High bkg:   5 vv574946441E   13.3   1409  5718 18.541  0.494
   5 vv574946441E    1433.6  0.96   13.3   59.4 199   1409  5736  0.849 0.630 17.80 16.5  0.0497 0.2189 20.89 17.9    72 -1.524  2.804 99.00 0.024 
    Sum (T+  1056 to   1447):             211.5        208.2 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:   0.23 0.9987 signif. UL:  17.95
  0    72 574946246    1237.6    209.6   -181.6    0.0497   0.2189 20.886 78.114  -1.832
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): -1.524 +/- 2.752 snr: -0.6 mag: 99.00 UL: 15.40
Rebinned Data for sw00894268992uvv_sk.img using a zero point of 17.627:
 No Exposure     t-avg        + / -       net_rate      +/-   mag   +/-     t-avg  sum_rate     +/-   mag   +/-   UL3
  0     69.6    1236.6    210.5   -180.6    0.0497   0.2189 20.89  1.83    1236.6    0.0497   0.2189 20.89  1.83 17.95
================ Start New Filter U ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00894268992uuu_sk.img ================
Use keyword TRIGTIME of 574945008 for trigger time.
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.163 at 574945881
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2019-03-22T17:22:09
The trigger time is: 574945008. The reference is keyword in image file
Using zero point of 18.177 for filter U
Use aperture correction of  1.032 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure      t-trig coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 uu574945881I     873.4  0.98  147.4  287.2 202   7340  5727  0.202 0.123 19.91 18.8  0.2019 0.1227 19.91 18.8   147  1.341  0.815 19.97 0.084 
   2 uu574946137E    1129.6  0.98   19.5   32.2 199   1169  5685 -0.468 0.313 99.00 18.6  0.1238 0.1144 20.45 19.0   167  0.980  0.777 20.31 0.081 
   3 uu574946262E    1254.7  0.98   19.5   40.3 200   1377  5687 -0.440 0.351 99.00 18.4  0.0650 0.1088 21.14 19.2   186  0.755  0.755 20.60 0.076 
   4 uu574946388E    1381.0  0.98   19.5   49.1 201   1650  5695 -0.497 0.389 99.00 18.3  0.0122 0.1051 22.97 19.3   206  0.584  0.741 20.88 0.070 
    Sum (T+   873 to   1401):             408.9        406.5 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:   0.12 0.9987 signif. UL:  19.32
  0   206 574946046    1038.1    362.6   -164.7    0.0122   0.1051 22.966 76.034  -2.462
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far):  0.464 +/- 0.705 snr:  0.7 mag: 21.12 UL: 17.12
Rebinned Data for sw00894268992uuu_sk.img using a zero point of 18.177:
 No Exposure     t-avg        + / -       net_rate      +/-   mag   +/-     t-avg  sum_rate     +/-   mag   +/-   UL3
  0      202    1037.9    362.8   -164.5    0.0122   0.1051 22.97  2.46    1037.9    0.0122   0.1051 22.97  2.46 19.32
================ Start New Filter UVW1 ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00894268992uw1_sk.img ================
Use keyword TRIGTIME of 574945008 for trigger time.
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.414 at 574946112
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2019-03-22T17:22:09
The trigger time is: 574945008. The reference is keyword in image file
Using zero point of 17.026 for filter UVW1
Use aperture correction of  1.035 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 4:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure      t-trig coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 w1574946112E    1104.4  1.00   19.4    3.5 201    145  5711 -0.085 0.102 99.00 18.4 -0.0854 0.1023 99.00 18.4    19 -1.922  2.303 99.00 0.169 
High bkg:   2 w1574946238E   19.5    157  5705  1.414  0.113
   2 w1574946238E    1230.2  1.00   19.5    8.5 208    157  5711  0.148 0.157 19.10 17.5  0.0311 0.0938 20.80 18.2    39  0.429  2.125 21.21 0.151 
High bkg:   3 w1574946364E   19.4    185  5705  1.672  0.123
   3 w1574946364E    1356.5  0.99   19.4   15.1 201    185  5718  0.459 0.209 17.87 16.9  0.1735 0.0937 18.93 17.9    58  3.260  2.111 19.01 0.135 
High bkg:   4 w1574949985I  196.6   1598  5724  1.420  0.036
   4 w1574949985I    4977.8  1.00  196.6   56.6 204   1598  5725 -0.002 0.040 99.00 19.3  0.0384 0.0378 20.57 19.1   255  2.694  1.891 19.21 0.057 
    Sum (T+  1104 to   5178):              83.7         74.3 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:   1.01 0.9987 signif. UL:  19.06
  0   255 574949208    4199.7    977.9  -3095.3    0.0384   0.0378 20.567  4.666  -0.745
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far):  0.793 +/- 0.663 snr:  1.2 mag: 20.54 UL: 15.90
Rebinned Data for sw00894268992uw1_sk.img using a zero point of 17.026:
 No Exposure     t-avg        + / -       net_rate      +/-   mag   +/-     t-avg  sum_rate     +/-   mag   +/-   UL3
  0     58.1    1240.1    136.2   -135.7    0.1735   0.0937 18.93  0.47    1240.1    0.1735   0.0937 18.93  0.47 17.88
  1      196    5077.7     99.9    -99.9   -0.0017   0.0404 99.00 99.00    4200.3    0.0384   0.0378 20.57  0.75 19.06
================ Start New Filter UVM2 ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00894268992um2_sk.img ================
Use keyword TRIGTIME of 574945008 for trigger time.
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.390 at 574946088
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2019-03-22T17:22:09
The trigger time is: 574945008. The reference is keyword in image file
Using zero point of 16.460 for filter UVM2
Use aperture correction of  1.031 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 4:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure      t-trig coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
   1 m2574946088E    1080.3  1.00   19.5    0.0 200     26  5698 -0.048 0.054 99.00 18.6 -0.0478 0.0538 99.00 18.6    19 -1.772  1.998 99.00 0.582 
#  2 m2574946213E    1205.4  1.00   19.4    1.2 200     36  5704 
   3 m2574946339E    1331.8  1.00   19.4    0.0 199     32  5699 -0.060 0.054 99.00 18.6 -0.0537 0.0274 99.00 19.6    39 -2.101  1.561 99.00 0.469 
   4 m2574949780I    4772.3  1.00  196.6   20.2 200    476  5729  0.019 0.024 20.78 19.0  0.0068 0.0200 21.88 19.4   236 -1.301  1.455 99.00 0.115 
    Sum (T+  1080 to   4972):              20.2         18.6 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:   0.34 0.9987 signif. UL:  19.35
  0   236 574949276    4268.4    703.7  -3188.1    0.0068   0.0200 21.880 77.120  -1.490
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far):  0.431 +/- 0.600 snr:  0.7 mag: 21.20 UL: 15.56
Rebinned Data for sw00894268992um2_sk.img using a zero point of 16.460:
 No Exposure     t-avg        + / -       net_rate      +/-   mag   +/-     t-avg  sum_rate     +/-   mag   +/-   UL3
  0     38.9    1215.9    135.6   -135.6   -0.0537   0.0381 99.00 99.00    1215.9   -0.0537   0.0381 99.00 99.00 19.10
  1      196    4872.2     99.9    -99.9    0.0188   0.0239 20.78  0.89    4267.9    0.0068   0.0209 21.88  1.53 19.30
================ Start New Filter UVW2 ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00894268992uw2_sk.img ================
Use keyword TRIGTIME of 574945008 for trigger time.
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.505 at 574946040
The processing date in extension 0 is:  2019-03-22T17:22:05
The trigger time is: 574945008. The reference is keyword in image file
Using zero point of 16.875 for filter UVW2
Use aperture correction of  1.035 based on aperture of  4.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 4:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
 Ext   Exposure      t-trig coinc  t_exp   src  pix    bkg   pix net_rate +/-   mag   UL sum_rate  +/-    mag  UL sumexp wtd_rate  +/-   mag  wt/t
High bkg:   1 w2574946039E   19.5    110  5844  0.967  0.092
   1 w2574946039E    1031.6  1.00   19.5    3.0 196    110  5845 -0.037 0.094 99.00 18.3 -0.0366 0.0942 99.00 18.3    19 -0.884  2.278 99.00 0.218 
   2 w2574946164E    1156.4  1.00   19.4    2.0 198     84  5846 -0.044 0.078 99.00 18.5 -0.0405 0.0610 99.00 18.8    39 -1.046  1.547 99.00 0.232 
High bkg:   3 w2574946290E   19.5     97  5846  0.849  0.086
   3 w2574946290E    1282.8  1.00   19.5    2.3 199     97  5842 -0.052 0.083 99.00 18.5 -0.0444 0.0492 99.00 19.1    58 -1.183  1.315 99.00 0.220 
High bkg:   4 w2574946417E   19.5    112  5852  0.986  0.093
   4 w2574946417E    1409.2  1.00   19.5    1.8 199    112  5847 -0.107 0.074 99.00 18.8 -0.0600 0.0413 99.00 19.4    78 -1.554  1.172 99.00 0.202 
    Sum (T+  1032 to   1429):               9.1         13.7 (est. in src region)   SNR_unwtd_sum:  -1.45 0.9987 signif. UL:  19.44
  0    78 574946238    1229.9    199.0   -198.3   -0.0600   0.0413 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far):  0.131 +/- 0.539 snr:  0.2 mag: 22.50 UL: 16.21
Rebinned Data for sw00894268992uw2_sk.img using a zero point of 16.875:
 No Exposure     t-avg        + / -       net_rate      +/-   mag   +/-     t-avg  sum_rate     +/-   mag   +/-   UL3
  0     77.7    1230.0    199.0   -198.4   -0.0600   0.0413 99.00 99.00    1230.0   -0.0600   0.0413 99.00 99.00 19.44
The data range from T+873.4 s (0.01 d) to T+5177.6 s (0.06 d)
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT.ps
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT_vis.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT_uv.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT_vis.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT_vis.ps
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT_uv.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT_uv.ps
# ================ Make Light Curve for Weighted Filters ==========
Use the following filters with indicated color corrections (mags):
  u (0)  , white (0)  , b (0)  , v (0)  , 
Rebinned Data for All_files using a zero point of 20.290:
 No Exposure     t-avg        + / -       net_rate      +/-   mag   +/-     t-avg  sum_rate     +/-   mag   +/-   UL3
  0    0.274    1006.5    440.6   -133.1    0.2477   0.7113 21.80  1.47    1006.5    0.2477   0.7113 21.80  1.47 19.30
The data range from T+873.4 s (0.01 d) to T+5177.6 s (0.06 d)
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_190322d17h33m09s943002usUT.ps
Found 7 exposures with unusual background rate
Normal end of uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2018-11-07 fem