# uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2018-11-07 fem at 190328d18h42m53s715746usUT
# /Home/eud/uvot_tdrss/perl/uvot_fluxes_wget.pl -seq=00895503992 -use_uvot -rebin -plot_mag -sens_corr -search_src_reg -wrk_dir=/local/home/khamseen/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc -web -zp_2011 -gamma=1.0 -use_filter_wtd=white v b u
# Current directory: /local/home/khamseen/khamseen10/uvot_tdrss/uvot_lc
# ========= GRB190327 ===================
Could not find/read custom source region custom_895503_src.reg
Used archived BAT position of 297.81600 39.07000
Reference: GCN_Position_Notice_Wed_27_Mar_19_23:16:37_UT
The position is (19:51:15.84, +39:04:12.0)
Using source region:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
# uvot_fluxes.pl bat
global font="helvetica 12 bold" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source=1
fk5;circle(297.816,+39.070,3") # color=red dash=0
Source region spec. is: 297.816 +39.070 3"
Region file centered at (297.816,+39.070), which is (19:51:15.84, +39:04:12.0)
Could not find/read custom background region custom_895503_bkg.reg
Made source region file with 5" aper with name uvot_flux_src5.reg
Coincidence losses are calculated using a 5" aperture.
Exposure times (t_exp) have NOT been corrected for coinc. loss, but rates and mags have been.
The no. of background pixels has been corrected by the ratio of coincidence loss corrections in the source and background regions.
The errors have been adjusted to account for the binomial distribution of counts at large rates.
A table entry starting with # is an exposure with no aspect solution.
A table entry starting with ! has no pixels in either source or background region.
A table entry starting with % is unreliable because it is not well inside the image.
Upper limits in tables give the 0.9987 confidence limit using Bayesian analysis for detection taking the observed counts into account.
Upper limits in plots give the 0.9772 confidence limit using Bayesian analysis.
Weighted rates in tables (wtd_rate) combine rates from different exposures weighted by the expected source rate divided by the background rate
The source is assumed to produce the same magnitude in all filters.
The source is assumed to decay as t**(-1.0), and the rate is normalized so that the white filter produces 1 cps at 1000 sec.
The Rebinned Data for All_files combine rates from different exposures weighted by the expected rate divided by the observed sigma squared.
A plot of these data is stored in uvot_fluxes_wtd_date.ps and .gif.
A zero point of 20.29 is adopted for weighting rates.
*** Since no accurate position is available, set rates to 0. and compute ULs based on expected background in source aperture.
Because there are many possible positions for a source, the confidence levels should be increased for upper limits.
Using the ratio of the BAT region and the aperture of 3600.0,
3 sigma should become about 5.1 sigma and 2 sigma should become about 4.5 sigma.
Accordingly confidence limits in the tables have been adjusted from 0.9987 to 0.99999964.
No adjustment has been made for the confidence limits for the rebinned data or the plots.
Subtract UTCF of -22.633 from uncorrected trigger time of 575421373.9 in BAT summary file
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992uwh_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.206 at 575421466
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:05
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 20.084 for filter WHITE
Use aperture correction of 1.108 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 6:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 wh575421465I 69.4 0.94 147.4 492.9 112 20634 4443 0.000 0.184 99.00 20.2 0.0000 0.1845 99.00 20.2 147 0.000 0.032 99.00 1.528
2 wh575421465E 69.4 0.94 147.4 504.3 113 20705 4453 0.000 0.185 99.00 20.1
3 wh575421958E 561.7 0.92 19.5 77.8 113 3810 4440 0.000 0.620 99.00 18.8 0.0000 0.1780 99.00 20.2 167 0.000 0.032 99.00 1.330
4 wh575422131E 734.5 0.90 19.5 115.3 111 4748 4448 0.000 0.701 99.00 18.7 0.0000 0.1749 99.00 20.2 186 0.000 0.032 99.00 1.142
above line uses coinc_corr_src: 0.895 corr_bkg: 0.895
5 wh575422256I 859.5 0.89 71.3 459.6 116 18781 4459 0.000 0.392 99.00 19.3 0.0000 0.1655 99.00 20.3 258 0.000 0.032 99.00 0.734
above line uses coinc_corr_src: 0.887 corr_bkg: 0.887
6 wh575426749I 5353.4 0.95 196.6 533.5 112 22533 4476 0.000 0.142 99.00 20.4 0.0000 0.1118 99.00 20.7 454 0.000 0.032 99.00 0.518
Sum (T+ 69 to 5553): 1788.0 1788.0 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 20.70
0 454 575424001 2604.2 2949.0 -2534.8 0.0000 0.1118 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.032 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 22.07
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992uwh_sk.img using a zero point of 20.084:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 139 144.3 74.9 -74.9 0.0000 0.1845 99.00 99.00 144.3 0.0000 0.1845 99.00 99.00 20.65
1 98.5 810.3 121.7 -248.6 0.0000 0.3023 99.00 99.00 420.9 0.0000 0.1655 99.00 99.00 20.77
2 187 5453.3 99.9 -99.9 0.0000 0.1424 99.00 99.00 2639.7 0.0000 0.1118 99.00 99.00 21.19
================ Start New Filter V ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992uvv_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.263 at 575422008
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:06
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 17.627 for filter V
Use aperture correction of 1.087 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 4:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 vv575422008E 611.8 0.98 19.5 20.8 111 986 4985 0.000 0.270 99.00 17.3 0.0000 0.2702 99.00 17.3 19 0.000 1.952 99.00 0.120
2 vv575422180E 784.3 0.97 19.5 29.1 112 1377 4990 0.000 0.323 99.00 17.1 0.0000 0.2103 99.00 17.6 39 0.000 1.633 99.00 0.089
3 vv575425725I 4328.5 0.99 196.6 107.7 112 5747 4984 0.000 0.064 99.00 18.8 0.0000 0.0638 99.00 18.8 236 0.000 1.464 99.00 0.047
4 vv575427160I 5763.9 0.99 196.6 167.5 128 7301 5048 0.000 0.077 99.00 18.6 0.0000 0.0495 99.00 19.1 432 0.000 1.411 99.00 0.031
Sum (T+ 612 to 5964): 367.1 367.1 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 19.12
0 432 575426143 4746.5 1217.2 -4134.7 0.0000 0.0495 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.031 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 19.63
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992uvv_sk.img using a zero point of 17.627:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 38 707.6 96.5 -95.8 0.0000 0.2103 99.00 99.00 707.6 0.0000 0.2103 99.00 99.00 18.05
1 388 5144.9 818.8 -816.4 0.0000 0.0502 99.00 99.00 4749.2 0.0000 0.0495 99.00 99.00 19.62
================ Start New Filter B ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992ubb_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.151 at 575421934
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:07
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 18.959 for filter B
Use aperture correction of 1.108 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 3:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 bb575421933E 537.5 0.96 19.5 42.2 116 1737 4463 0.000 0.403 99.00 18.2 0.0000 0.4030 99.00 18.2 19 0.000 0.751 99.00 0.222
2 bb575422106E 710.3 0.95 19.4 53.5 111 2184 4462 0.000 0.447 99.00 18.1 0.0000 0.3006 99.00 18.5 39 0.000 0.620 99.00 0.177
3 bb575426545I 5148.7 0.98 196.6 229.1 116 8840 4444 0.000 0.088 99.00 19.8 0.0000 0.0886 99.00 19.8 236 0.000 0.577 99.00 0.086
4 bb575427980I 6584.3 0.95 82.0 240.2 112 10489 4504 0.000 0.234 99.00 18.8 0.0000 0.0887 99.00 19.8 318 0.000 0.573 99.00 0.054
Sum (T+ 537 to 6668): 591.1 591.1 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 19.82
0 318 575426435 5038.9 1628.6 -4501.5 0.0000 0.0887 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.031 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 20.95
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992ubb_sk.img using a zero point of 18.959:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 37.2 633.3 96.7 -95.8 0.0000 0.3006 99.00 99.00 633.3 0.0000 0.3006 99.00 99.00 19.00
1 270 5643.4 1024.2 -494.7 0.0000 0.0920 99.00 99.00 5037.1 0.0000 0.0887 99.00 99.00 20.32
================ Start New Filter U ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992uuu_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.163 at 575421678
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:06
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 18.177 for filter U
Use aperture correction of 1.100 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 1:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 uu575421677I 281.4 0.98 245.8 207.8 110 11267 5121 0.000 0.072 99.00 19.3 0.0000 0.0715 99.00 19.3 246 0.000 0.204 99.00 0.351
2 uu575421677E 281.4 0.98 245.8 209.7 112 11272 5123 0.000 0.072 99.00 19.3
3 uu575422081E 685.4 0.97 19.5 21.5 113 1304 5109 0.000 0.315 99.00 17.7 0.0000 0.0702 99.00 19.3 265 0.000 0.202 99.00 0.328
4 uu575426339I 4943.5 0.99 196.6 103.0 108 5360 5100 0.000 0.061 99.00 19.5 0.0000 0.0479 99.00 19.7 462 0.000 0.201 99.00 0.246
5 uu575427775I 6378.9 0.98 196.6 282.5 108 13163 5104 0.000 0.097 99.00 18.9 0.0000 0.0442 99.00 19.8 659 0.000 0.201 99.00 0.149
Sum (T+ 281 to 6579): 662.9 662.9 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 19.80
0 659 575425009 3612.4 2966.2 -3331.0 0.0000 0.0442 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.031 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 20.19
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992uuu_sk.img using a zero point of 18.177:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 242 406.3 124.9 -124.9 0.0000 0.0715 99.00 99.00 406.3 0.0000 0.0715 99.00 99.00 19.77
1 19 695.3 9.9 -9.9 0.0000 0.3146 99.00 99.00 427.4 0.0000 0.0702 99.00 99.00 19.79
2 386 5755.7 822.9 -812.2 0.0000 0.0569 99.00 99.00 3609.4 0.0000 0.0442 99.00 99.00 20.30
================ Start New Filter UVW1 ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992uw1_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.415 at 575422058
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:07
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 17.025 for filter UVW1
Use aperture correction of 1.123 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 3:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
High bkg: 1 w1575422057E 19.5 182 5294 1.762 0.131
1 w1575422057E 661.1 1.00 19.5 3.8 115 182 5294 0.000 0.116 99.00 17.6 0.0000 0.1162 99.00 17.6 19 0.000 1.577 99.00 0.362
High bkg: 2 w1575422230E 19.5 194 5295 1.880 0.135
2 w1575422230E 833.7 1.00 19.5 2.1 112 194 5295 0.000 0.118 99.00 17.6 0.0000 0.0830 99.00 18.0 39 0.000 1.244 99.00 0.319
3 w1575426135I 4738.7 1.00 196.6 25.3 108 1266 5272 0.000 0.029 99.00 19.1 0.0000 0.0281 99.00 19.1 236 0.000 1.142 99.00 0.135
High bkg: 4 w1575427570I 196.6 1737 5260 1.680 0.040
4 w1575427570I 6174.0 1.00 196.6 32.5 108 1737 5260 0.000 0.035 99.00 18.9 0.0000 0.0220 99.00 19.4 432 0.000 1.105 99.00 0.088
Sum (T+ 661 to 6374): 69.6 69.6 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 19.40
0 432 575426521 5124.1 1249.7 -4463.1 0.0000 0.0220 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.032 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 19.01
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992uw1_sk.img using a zero point of 17.025:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 38.8 757.2 96.2 -96.2 0.0000 0.0830 99.00 99.00 757.2 0.0000 0.0830 99.00 99.00 18.46
1 392 5555.9 817.9 -817.2 0.0000 0.0227 99.00 99.00 5124.1 0.0000 0.0220 99.00 99.00 19.90
================ Start New Filter UVM2 ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992um2_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.391 at 575422033
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:07
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 16.459 for filter UVM2
Use aperture correction of 1.106 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 4:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
High bkg: 1 m2575422032E 19.5 58 5741 0.521 0.068
1 m2575422032E 636.1 1.00 19.5 0.0 115 58 5741 0.000 0.062 99.00 17.7 0.0000 0.0620 99.00 17.7 19 0.000 1.365 99.00 0.758
2 m2575422205E 808.7 1.00 19.5 0.5 110 26 5751 0.000 0.040 99.00 18.2 0.0000 0.0369 99.00 18.3 39 0.000 0.866 99.00 0.955
3 m2575425929I 4533.4 1.00 196.6 10.3 116 437 5768 0.000 0.017 99.00 19.1 0.0000 0.0153 99.00 19.2 236 0.000 0.823 99.00 0.270
4 m2575427365I 5968.9 1.00 196.6 5.3 108 432 5716 0.000 0.016 99.00 19.2 0.0000 0.0112 99.00 19.6 432 0.000 0.800 99.00 0.203
Sum (T+ 636 to 6169): 18.6 18.6 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 19.57
0 432 575426332 4935.0 1233.6 -4298.9 0.0000 0.0112 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.031 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 18.46
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992um2_sk.img using a zero point of 16.459:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 38.9 732.3 96.2 -96.2 0.0000 0.0369 99.00 99.00 732.3 0.0000 0.0369 99.00 99.00 18.77
1 393 5351.0 817.6 -817.6 0.0000 0.0117 99.00 99.00 4935.0 0.0000 0.0112 99.00 99.00 20.07
================ Start New Filter UVW2 ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992uw2_sk.img ================
Long-term sensitivity correction to zero point is -0.506 at 575421449
The processing date in extension 0 is: 2019-03-28T15:04:06
The trigger time is: 575421396.533. The reference is BAT GRB summary file
Using zero point of 16.874 for filter UVW2
Use aperture correction of 1.108 based on aperture of 3.00
Using background region based on sources found in extension 5:
# Region file format: DS9 version 3.0
global color=red font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 source
Ext Exposure t-trig coinc t_exp src pix bkg pix net_rate +/- mag UL sum_rate +/- mag UL sumexp wtd_rate +/- mag wt/t
1 w2575421448E 52.0 1.00 9.3 2.0 110 31 5734 0.000 0.093 99.00 17.7 0.0000 0.0929 99.00 17.7 9 0.000 0.123 99.00 11.823
High bkg: 2 w2575421983E 19.5 113 5746 1.011 0.095
2 w2575421983E 587.3 1.00 19.5 1.9 114 113 5746 0.000 0.086 99.00 17.8 0.0000 0.0656 99.00 18.1 29 0.000 0.122 99.00 2.975
High bkg: 3 w2575422156E 19.5 119 5734 1.062 0.098
3 w2575422156E 760.0 1.00 19.5 2.0 112 119 5734 0.000 0.088 99.00 17.8 0.0000 0.0528 99.00 18.3 48 0.000 0.122 99.00 1.849
4 w2575425520I 4123.8 1.00 196.6 17.9 116 889 5772 0.000 0.024 99.00 19.2 0.0000 0.0220 99.00 19.3 245 0.000 0.121 99.00 0.501
5 w2575426955I 5559.1 1.00 196.6 19.1 116 898 5756 0.000 0.024 99.00 19.1 0.0000 0.0163 99.00 19.6 441 0.000 0.121 99.00 0.317
Sum (T+ 52 to 5759): 41.1 41.1 (est. in src region) SNR_unwtd_sum: 0.00 0.999999638888889 signif. UL: 19.58
0 441 575425860 4463.2 1295.8 -4411.2 0.0000 0.0163 99.000 99.000 -99.000
Total wtd_rate (for all exposures so far): 0.000 +/- 0.030 snr: 0.0 mag: 99.00 UL: 18.91
Rebinned Data for sw00895503992uw2_sk.img using a zero point of 16.874:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 9.29 56.7 4.7 -4.7 0.0000 0.0929 99.00 99.00 56.7 0.0000 0.0929 99.00 99.00 18.18
1 38.8 683.6 96.2 -96.2 0.0000 0.0615 99.00 99.00 562.6 0.0000 0.0528 99.00 99.00 18.80
2 393 4941.4 817.5 -817.6 0.0000 0.0171 99.00 99.00 4463.3 0.0000 0.0163 99.00 99.00 20.08
================ Start New Filter UGRISM ==================
# ============ Reading file sw00895503992ugu_sk.img ================
The data range from T+52.0 s (0.00 d) to T+6667.6 s (0.08 d)
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT.ps
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT_vis.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT_uv.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT_vis.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT_vis.ps
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT_uv.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT_uv.ps
# ================ Make Light Curve for Weighted Filters ==========
Use the following filters with indicated color corrections (mags):
u (0) , white (0) , b (0) , v (0) ,
Rebinned Data for All_files using a zero point of 20.290:
No Exposure t-avg + / - net_rate +/- mag +/- t-avg sum_rate +/- mag +/- UL3
0 799 144.3 74.9 -74.9 0.0000 0.2231 99.00 99.00 144.3 0.0000 0.2231 99.00 99.00 20.65
1 10.9 555.4 248.7 -274.0 0.0000 0.4108 99.00 99.00 149.8 0.0000 0.2129 99.00 99.00 20.70
2 4.58 895.7 36.2 -36.2 0.0000 0.4743 99.00 99.00 154.0 0.0000 0.2065 99.00 99.00 20.73
3 1.12 5432.1 1235.4 -1103.6 0.0000 0.1494 99.00 99.00 161.2 0.0000 0.1971 99.00 99.00 20.79
The data range from T+52.0 s (0.00 d) to T+6667.6 s (0.08 d)
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT.qdp
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT.gif
Wrote uvot_fluxes_wtd_190328d18h42m53s715746usUT.ps
Found 6 exposures with unusual background rate
Normal end of uvot_fluxes_wget.pl vrs. 2018-11-07 fem