
The Swift instrument teams are responsible for calibrating their instruments, analyzing the results, and delivering the results to the SSC. The SSC then delivers the calibration information to the HEASARC calibration database (CALDB). The CALDB system stores and indexes datasets associated with the calibration of high energy astrophysical instrumentation. The system can be accessed by users and software alike to determine which calibration datasets are available, and which should be used for data reduction and analysis.

The products of instrument calibration activities are delivered in the form of documents, software and calibration files. The SSC is responsible for obtaining the calibration products from the instrument teams and delivering them to the HEASARC via CALDB so that all Swift users have access to the information.

Swift calibration files are available from the CALDB. Details of the Swift calibrations, including documentation and the current calibration data files, are available at the Swift Calibration Files Web site. All the calibration files in CALDB will conform to the OGIP standard FITS format.

Questions about the calibration of an instrument should be addressed to the Swift Help Desk.

Eleonora Troja 2016-08-08