Amy Lien

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Code 661, Swift/BAT team
Office: Building 34, S225
Email: amy.y.lien at

My graduate study with Prof. Brian Fields focuses on detailed forecasting of core-collapse supernova detections.

Forecasts of Core-Collapse Supernova detections for Future Surveys
In my graduate study with Prof. Brian Fields, we estimate the number of core-collapse supernovae that will be detected in future surveys in both the optical and radio wavelengths (e.g. LSST, DES, SKA). We explore what we can learn from these future detections. Results are summarized in our papers: Lien et al. (2009), Lien et al. (2010), and Lien et al. (2011).
The Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background from Type Ia Supernovae
The origin of the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGB) has been intensively studied but remains unsettled. Current popular source candidates include unresolved star-forming galaxies, starburst galaxies, and blazars. In addition, Type Ia supernovae are potential sources that can produce substantial contribution to the extragalactic gamma-ray background. We calculate the contribution from Type Ia supernovae and summarize the results in Lien et al. 2012.