The Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory

Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Transient Monitor

Please Read Before Using These Results:README

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New! Red text indicates that the source has been detected in the BAT transient monitor.
Sources are considered detected under the following circumstances:

  • The mean rate is at least 3 mCrab (1 mCrab = 0.000220 ct/cm2/sec).
  • -OR-The peak rate for the source is at least 30 mCrab with at least a 7-sigma significance.
  • Data current through 2:42 UT, March 11 (DOY 70), 2025

    Swift/BAT Transient Sources (Possible Flare Stars)

    Source Name RA J2000 Degs Dec J2000 Degs Alternate Name Source Type Today# Yesterday# Tenday# Mean* Peak* Days* Last Day*
    1 Zeta And   11.8346 24.2672NULLBeta Lyra binary-- 14 ( 3.1) 0 43 353785 ( 6396)
    2 CF Tuc   13.2825 -74.6517NULLRS CVn--- 0 155 660036 ( 145)
    3 AY Cet   19.1513 -2.50028NULLBinary--- 0---
    4 UV Psc   19.2296 6.81167NULLBeta Lyra binary--- 0---
    5 HD 8357   20.7367 7.419171H 0123+075X-ray binary--- 0 63 353784 ( 6397)
    6 UV Cet   24.7563 -17.9506NULLFlare star--- 0 0 3 1 ( 0)
    7 CC Eri   38.5940 -43.7960NULLBY Dra variable--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    8 VY Ari   42.1821 31.1153NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 0 4 1 ( 0)
    9 RZ Cas   42.2313 69.6342NULLAlgol type binary--- 0---
    10 Algol   47.0421 40.9556bet PerAlgol type binary--- 0 0 7 1 ( 0)
    11 LX Per   48.3433 48.1086HD 21242RS CVn variable-- 8 ( 2.5) 0 76 359825 ( 356)
    12 UX Ari   51.6475 28.7150NULLRS CVn--- 0 47 856853 ( 3328)
    13 HR 1099   54.1971 0.587778V711 TauRS CVn variable--- 0 0 2 1 ( 0)
    14 HD 22403   54.2958 25.9911V837 TauBY Dra variable--- 0---
    15 EI Eri   62.4204 -7.89278NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    16 HD 283750   69.2008 27.1322V833 TauBY Dra variable--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    17 GJ 3305   69.4062 -2.491112MASS J04373746-0229282T Tauri star--- 0 0 2 1 ( 0)
    18 YY Men   74.5746 -75.2772NULLVariable star- 21 ( 2.0)- 0---
    19 SGR 0501+4516   75.2780 45.27621RXS J050107.9+451631SGR--- 0 32 253784 ( 6397)
    20 AB Dor   82.1867 -65.4486NULLVariable star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    21 YY Gem   113.656 31.8694NULLBY Dra variable--- 0 0 3 1 ( 0)
    22 Sigma Gem   115.828 28.8836NULLRS CVn variable-- 15 ( 2.2) 0---
    23 YZ CMi   116.167 3.55200NULLFlare star--- 0---
    24 TY Pyx   134.928 -27.8164NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 0 3 1 ( 0)
    25 Fermi_J0910-5041   137.690 -50.7400NULLGamma-ray source-- 14 ( 3.9) 0---
    26 BF Lyn   140.608 40.2011NULLBY Dra variable- 39 ( 4.0) 18 ( 2.7) 0 0 2 1 ( 0)
    27 LQ Hya   143.107 -11.1847NULLBY Dra variable- 127 ( 2.5)- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    28 DH Leo   150.007 24.5528HD 86590Multiple star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    29 AD Leo   154.901 19.8700NULLFlare star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    30 DM UMa   163.931 60.4694NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 0 2 1 ( 0)
    31 HD 101379   174.875 -65.3978NULLDouble star--- 0 0 7 1 ( 0)
    32 RW UMa   175.193 51.9981NULLRS CVn variable--- 0---
    33 DK Dra   183.923 72.5511NULLRS CVn variable--- 0---
    34 RS CVn   197.654 35.9350HD 114519Double star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    35 FK Com   202.695 24.2328NULLVariable star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    36 HR 5110   203.699 37.1825BH CVnRS CVn--- 0---
    37 Prox Cen   217.429 -62.6794V645 CenFlare star--- 0---
    38 EK Dra   219.751 64.2917NULLBY Dra variable--- 0---
    39 44 Boo   225.947 47.6542CCDM J15038+4739ABDouble star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    40 TZ CrB   243.670 33.8586NULLRS CVn variable--- 0---
    41 V824 Ara   259.356 -66.9511NULLRS CVn variable--- 0---
    42 HD 163621   268.853 36.1889V835 HerRS CVn variable--- 0 0 2 1 ( 0)
    43 V772 Her   271.457 21.4458CCDM J18058+2127ADouble star--- 0---
    44 BY Dra   278.483 51.7192NULLBY Dra variable-- 6 ( 2.1) 0---
    45 HR 7275   287.108 52.4258V1762 CygRS CVn variable--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    46 VW Cep   309.340 75.6003HD 197433Double star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    47 AT Mic   310.463 -32.4353NULLFlare star--- 0---
    48 AU Mic   311.290 -31.3408NULLFlare star--- 0 0 4 1 ( 0)
    49 BO Mic   311.937 -36.5942NULLBY Dra variable--- 0---
    50 V1794 Cyg   313.473 44.3864NULLVariable star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    51 ER Vul   315.608 27.8075NULLW UMa binary--- 0 0 5 1 ( 0)
    52 HK Lac   331.236 47.2344NULLRS CVn variable--- 0---
    53 AR Lac   332.170 45.7422NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 85 258192 ( 1989)
    54 EV Lac   341.707 44.3339NULLFlare star--- 0---
    55 IM Peg   343.260 16.8411NULLRS CVn variable-- 12 ( 2.5) 0---
    56 KZ And   347.489 47.9583NULLBY Dra variable--- 0---
    57 SZ Psc   348.349 2.67556NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 70 257037 ( 3144)
    58 V368 Cep   349.861 79.0036NULLRS CVn variable--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    59 EQ Peg   352.967 19.9370NULLFlare star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    60 Lambda And   354.391 46.4581NULLRS CVn variable-- 10 ( 3.0) 0---
    61 HR 9024   357.421 36.4253OU AndVariable star--- 0 0 1 1 ( 0)
    62 II Peg   358.767 28.6336NULLRS CVn variable-- 10 ( 2.4) 0 0 2 1 ( 0)
    Source NameRA J2000 DegsDec J2000 DegsAlternate NameSource TypeToday#Yesterday#Tenday#Mean*Peak*Days*Last Day*
    # Explanation of table headings 7-9:
  • Today: Todays source rate in units of mCrab (Significance in parentheses)
  • Yesterday: Yesterdays source rate in units of mCrab (Significance in parentheses)
  • Tenday: Average source rate over the last ten days (Significance in parentheses)
  • All of these are only posted if the significance is >= 2-sigma.

    * Explanation of last four table headings:

  • Mean: Mean source rate in units of mCrab
  • Peak: Peak source rate in units of mCrab (also requires >5-sigma significance)
  • Days: Number of days with >5-sigma source detection
  • Last Day: MJD of last 5-sigma detection (Days since last detection)
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Zeta And Zeta And
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30150] Zeta And RA= 11.8346 degs; Dec= 24.2672 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      CF Tuc CF Tuc
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30151] CF Tuc RA= 13.2825 degs; Dec= -74.6517 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      AY Cet AY Cet
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30152] AY Cet RA= 19.1513 degs; Dec= -2.50028 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      UV Psc UV Psc
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30153] UV Psc RA= 19.2296 degs; Dec= 6.81167 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HD 8357 HD 8357
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30154] HD 8357 RA= 20.7367 degs; Dec= 7.41917 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      UV Cet UV Cet
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30155] UV Cet RA= 24.7563 degs; Dec= -17.9506 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      CC Eri CC Eri
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [33710] CC Eri RA= 38.5940 degs; Dec= -43.7960 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      VY Ari VY Ari
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30156] VY Ari RA= 42.1821 degs; Dec= 31.1153 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      RZ Cas RZ Cas
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30157] RZ Cas RA= 42.2313 degs; Dec= 69.6342 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      Algol Algol
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30158] Algol RA= 47.0421 degs; Dec= 40.9556 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      LX Per LX Per
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30159] LX Per RA= 48.3433 degs; Dec= 48.1086 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      UX Ari UX Ari
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30160] UX Ari RA= 51.6475 degs; Dec= 28.7150 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HR 1099 HR 1099
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30161] HR 1099 RA= 54.1971 degs; Dec= 0.587778 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HD 22403 HD 22403
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30162] HD 22403 RA= 54.2958 degs; Dec= 25.9911 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      EI Eri EI Eri
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30163] EI Eri RA= 62.4204 degs; Dec= -7.89278 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HD 283750 HD 283750
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30164] HD 283750 RA= 69.2008 degs; Dec= 27.1322 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      GJ 3305 GJ 3305
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30165] GJ 3305 RA= 69.4062 degs; Dec= -2.49111 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      YY Men YY Men
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30166] YY Men RA= 74.5746 degs; Dec= -75.2772 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      SGR 0501+4516 SGR 0501+4516
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [33689] SGR 0501+4516 RA= 75.2780 degs; Dec= 45.2762 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      AB Dor AB Dor
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30167] AB Dor RA= 82.1867 degs; Dec= -65.4486 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      YY Gem YY Gem
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30168] YY Gem RA= 113.656 degs; Dec= 31.8694 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      Sigma Gem Sigma Gem
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30169] Sigma Gem RA= 115.828 degs; Dec= 28.8836 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      YZ CMi YZ CMi
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [33721] YZ CMi RA= 116.167 degs; Dec= 3.55200 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      TY Pyx TY Pyx
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30170] TY Pyx RA= 134.928 degs; Dec= -27.8164 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      Fermi_J0910-5041 Fermi_J0910-5041
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [33711] Fermi_J0910-5041 RA= 137.690 degs; Dec= -50.7400 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      BF Lyn BF Lyn
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30171] BF Lyn RA= 140.608 degs; Dec= 40.2011 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      LQ Hya LQ Hya
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30172] LQ Hya RA= 143.107 degs; Dec= -11.1847 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      DH Leo DH Leo
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30173] DH Leo RA= 150.007 degs; Dec= 24.5528 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      AD Leo AD Leo
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30174] AD Leo RA= 154.901 degs; Dec= 19.8700 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      DM UMa DM UMa
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30175] DM UMa RA= 163.931 degs; Dec= 60.4694 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HD 101379 HD 101379
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30176] HD 101379 RA= 174.875 degs; Dec= -65.3978 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      RW UMa RW UMa
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30177] RW UMa RA= 175.193 degs; Dec= 51.9981 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      DK Dra DK Dra
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30178] DK Dra RA= 183.923 degs; Dec= 72.5511 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      RS CVn RS CVn
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30179] RS CVn RA= 197.654 degs; Dec= 35.9350 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      FK Com FK Com
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30180] FK Com RA= 202.695 degs; Dec= 24.2328 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HR 5110 HR 5110
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30181] HR 5110 RA= 203.699 degs; Dec= 37.1825 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      Prox Cen Prox Cen
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30182] Prox Cen RA= 217.429 degs; Dec= -62.6794 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      EK Dra EK Dra
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30183] EK Dra RA= 219.751 degs; Dec= 64.2917 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      44 Boo 44 Boo
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30184] 44 Boo RA= 225.947 degs; Dec= 47.6542 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      TZ CrB TZ CrB
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30185] TZ CrB RA= 243.670 degs; Dec= 33.8586 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      V824 Ara V824 Ara
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30186] V824 Ara RA= 259.356 degs; Dec= -66.9511 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HD 163621 HD 163621
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30187] HD 163621 RA= 268.853 degs; Dec= 36.1889 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      V772 Her V772 Her
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30188] V772 Her RA= 271.457 degs; Dec= 21.4458 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      BY Dra BY Dra
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30189] BY Dra RA= 278.483 degs; Dec= 51.7192 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HR 7275 HR 7275
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30190] HR 7275 RA= 287.108 degs; Dec= 52.4258 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      VW Cep VW Cep
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30191] VW Cep RA= 309.340 degs; Dec= 75.6003 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      AT Mic AT Mic
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30192] AT Mic RA= 310.463 degs; Dec= -32.4353 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      AU Mic AU Mic
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30193] AU Mic RA= 311.290 degs; Dec= -31.3408 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      BO Mic BO Mic
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30194] BO Mic RA= 311.937 degs; Dec= -36.5942 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      V1794 Cyg V1794 Cyg
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30195] V1794 Cyg RA= 313.473 degs; Dec= 44.3864 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      ER Vul ER Vul
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30196] ER Vul RA= 315.608 degs; Dec= 27.8075 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HK Lac HK Lac
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30197] HK Lac RA= 331.236 degs; Dec= 47.2344 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      AR Lac AR Lac
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30198] AR Lac RA= 332.170 degs; Dec= 45.7422 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      EV Lac EV Lac
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30199] EV Lac RA= 341.707 degs; Dec= 44.3339 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      IM Peg IM Peg
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30200] IM Peg RA= 343.260 degs; Dec= 16.8411 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      KZ And KZ And
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30201] KZ And RA= 347.489 degs; Dec= 47.9583 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      SZ Psc SZ Psc
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30202] SZ Psc RA= 348.349 degs; Dec= 2.67556 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      V368 Cep V368 Cep
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30203] V368 Cep RA= 349.861 degs; Dec= 79.0036 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      EQ Peg EQ Peg
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [33990] EQ Peg RA= 352.967 degs; Dec= 19.9370 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      Lambda And Lambda And
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30204] Lambda And RA= 354.391 degs; Dec= 46.4581 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      HR 9024 HR 9024
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30205] HR 9024 RA= 357.421 degs; Dec= 36.4253 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
      II Peg II Peg
    Dashed lines show average rate (and +/- 1 sigma standard deviation) for this source (derived from this plot)
    [30206] II Peg RA= 358.767 degs; Dec= 28.6336 degs
    Daily light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Orbit light curves: FITS version ASCII version
    Full mission light curve
    Source NameRA J2000 DegsDec J2000 DegsAlternate NameSource TypeToday#Yesterday#Tenday#Mean*Peak*Days*Last Day* # Explanation of table headings 7-9:
  • Today: Todays source rate in units of mCrab (Significance in parentheses)
  • Yesterday: Yesterdays source rate in units of mCrab (Significance in parentheses)
  • Tenday: Average source rate over the last ten days (Significance in parentheses)
  • All of these are only posted if the significance is >= 2-sigma.

    * Explanation of last four table headings:

  • Mean: Mean source rate in units of mCrab
  • Peak: Peak source rate in units of mCrab (also requires >5-sigma significance)
  • Days: Number of days with >5-sigma source detection
  • Last Day: MJD of last 5-sigma detection (Days since last detection)
  • This page was last modified on Tue Mar 11 15:26:15 UTC 2025

    The BAT Transient Monitor contacts are:
    Tyler Parsotan,,

    Amy Lien,,