Nov 28 2005: A new release of the Swift software and calibration data is available for download.
The Swift software (version 2.3) has been released as part of the HEAsoft version 6.0.4.
The software is released with updates of the Swift calibration data for all three instruments [BAT (20051103), XRT (20051028) and UVOT (20051118)] and the Swift common calibration files [MIS(20051116)]. An additional calibration delivery for the XRT was released on Dec 5 2005. This is tagged XRT(2001201) and replace the XRT (20051028).
October 7 2005: A new release of the Swift software and calibration data is available for download.
The Swift software (version 2.2) has been released as part of the HEAsoft version 6.0.2 .
The software is released with updates of the Swift calibration data for all three instruments [BAT (20051006), XRT (20050916) and UVOT (20050916)] and the Swift common calibration files [MIS(20050928)].
August 9 2005: A new release of the Swift software and calibration data is available for download.
The Swift software (version 2.1) has been released as part of the HEAsoft version 6.0.2.
The software is released with updates of the Swift calibration data for all three instruments [BAT (20050714), XRT (20050704) and UVOT (20050805)] and the Swift common calibration files [MIS(20050805)].
July 20 2005: the Swift Quick Look web site is now in its nominal operations mode, in which only the most recent 7 days of Swift data will be available on the web site. All other data can be accessed via the Swift archive sites at HEASARC (US), UKSSDC (UK), and ASDC (Italy).
April 12 2005: The Swift archive is now operational and data will be regularly flowing from the Quick-look area into the main archive one week after its received from Malindi. At HEASARC data can be accessed via the Special Swift interface or Browse or via the anonymous FTP. The Swift data are also served by Italian and UK Swift data centers.
The opening of the archive coincides with the release of the latest Swift software and calibration data that are now available to download.
April 5 2005: One of the key feature of the Swift mission normal operations is that data are made public immediately. The Swift normal operations period starts on the 5th of April 2005, after 4.5 months of early orbit check-out and performance verification. Therefore, data taken after April 5th enter the public domain immediately: first, they will appear in the Quick-look area, and, after about a week, the final version will be transferred to the archive. The first data set entering the archive is expected to be on April 12, therefore. Data collected from the beginning of the mission were kept encrypted during the initial 4.5 months of the mission. These data will all be re-processed and will enter the archive during the period mid-April to mid-May.