Swift GRB Table
- The most recent 50 of 1894 bursts are displayed here.
- Download this table as a tab-delimited text file: grb_table_1733902064.txt
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GRB | Time [UT] |
Trigger Number |
BAT RA (J2000) |
BAT Dec (J2000) |
BAT T90 [sec] |
BAT Fluence (15-150 keV) [10-7 erg/cm2] |
XRT RA (J2000) |
XRT Dec (J2000) |
XRT Time to First Observation [sec] |
XRT Early Flux (0.3-10 keV) [10-11 erg/cm2/s] |
UVOT RA (J2000) |
UVOT Dec (J2000) |
UVOT Time to First Observation [sec] |
UVOT Magnitude | Other Observatory Detections | Redshift | Host Galaxy | Comments | References |
241209D | 10:59:46 | 1273106 | 190.111 12:40:26.6 |
-2.879 -02:52:44.4 |
n/a | n/a | 12:40:26.82 | -02:53:29.9 | 93.57 | 288 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi (GBM), AstroSat CZTI, Konus-Wind | BAT: GCN 38489 XRT: GCN 38489; GCN 38491; GCN 38508; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
241209B | 03:56:20 | SVOM-ECLAIRs | 194.983 12:59:55.9 |
76.222 76:13:19.2 |
n/a | n/a | 12:58:31.64 | 76:10:34.9 | 50800 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | GCN 38478 (SVOM/ECLAIRs) | XRT: GCN 38525 |
241209A | 05:35:44 | 1273071 | 155.376 10:21:30.2 |
6.316 06:18:57.6 |
n/a | n/a | 10:21:35.11 | 06:19:43.0 | 106.57 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 109 | n/a | Fermi (GBM), VLT, COLIBRÍ | 1.490 (VLT: emission, possible redshift) | BAT: GCN 38476 XRT: GCN 38476; GCN 38479; GCN 38486; GCN 38523; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 38476 Redshift: GCN 38487 (VLT) |
241128A | 16:14:34 | 1270999 | 273.724 18:14:53.8 |
33.492 33:29:31.2 |
238.32 | 11 | 18:14:53.72 | 33:26:20.9 | 118.05 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 3880 | V>19.0 | OSN (1.5m), LCO (1m), NOT, GRANDMA & Kilonova-Catcher, AZT-33IK, Fermi (GBM), RAPAS (820mm) | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 38367; GCN 38387 XRT: GCN 38367; GCN 38368; GCN 38374; GCN 38376; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 38422 |
241127A | 21:43:16 | 1270788 | 327.911 21:51:38.6 |
-56.652 -56:39:07.2 |
26.02 | 6.5 | 21:51:32.50 | -56:39:55.9 | 66.63 | 212 | 21:51:32.32 | -56:39:55.1 | 484 | V=19.7 | MASTER-SAAO, MASTER-OAFA, LCOGT (40-cm), SVOM/GRM, GRANDMA & Kilonova-Catcher, PRIME | BAT: GCN 38354; GCN 38386 XRT: GCN 38354; GCN 38362; GCN 38364; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 38354; GCN 38365 |
241115A | 13:18:25 | 1267921 | 86.765 05:47:03.6 |
-0.662 -00:39:43.2 |
n/a | n/a | 05:47:05.03 | -00:40:28.6 | 109.50 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 113 | n/a | Fermi (GBM), CALET (CGBM), ATCA @ 9 GHz | BAT: GCN 38235 XRT: GCN 38235; GCN 38256; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 38235 Radio: GCN 38302 (ATCA) |
241113A | 07:48:13 | 1267501 | 16.578 01:06:18.7 |
-22.658 -22:39:28.8 |
1.7 | 1.3 | 01:06:15.68 | -22:40:18.1 | 77.21 | n/a | 01:06:15.64 | -22:40:18.4 | 61 | V=14.97 | MASTER, LCOGT (40-cm), LCO (1m, 0.4m), REM (60cm), KAIT (0.76m), ATCA @ 9 GHz | BAT: GCN 38194; GCN 38229 XRT: GCN 38194; GCN 38198; GCN 38209; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 38194; GCN 38207 Radio: GCN 38287 (ATCA) |
241112B | 10:57:21 | SVOM-ECLAIRs | 29.055 01:56:13.2 |
9.146 09:08:45.6 |
n/a | n/a | 01:56:09.39 | 09:06:27.2 | 11000 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | SVOM-ECLAIRs: GCN 38173 | XRT: GCN 38182; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
241105A | 16:06:04 | BAT/GUANO | 66.2381 04:24:57.1 |
-49.7547 -49:45:16.9 |
72.8 | 25 | 04:24:58.76 | -49:45:06.5 | 38300 | n/a | 04:24:58.96 | -49:45:09.8 | 38400 | n/a | Fermi (GBM), GOTO, VLT, SVOM/VT, Konus-Wind, BOOTES-7, Gemini-South, ePESSTO+ NTT, SVOM/GRM, EP-FXT, VLA @ (6, 10 and 15 GHz) | 2.681 (VLT: absorption) | BAT: GCN 38091; GCN 38108 XRT: GCN 38098; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 38110 Radio: GCN 38130 (VLA); GCN 38167 (VLA) Redshift: GCN 38097 (VLT) |
241101A | 05:41:45 | 1264304 | 204.323 13:37:17.5 |
28.233 28:13:58.8 |
10.3 | 5.1 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Due to a Sun observing constraint, Swift cannot slew to the BAT position until 17:57 UT on 2024 November 05. | BAT: GCN 38025: GCN 38033 |
GRB | Time [UT] |
Trigger Number |
BAT RA (J2000) |
BAT Dec (J2000) |
BAT T90 [sec] |
BAT Fluence (15-150 keV) [10-7 erg/cm2] |
XRT RA (J2000) |
XRT Dec (J2000) |
XRT Time to First Observation [sec] |
XRT Early Flux (0.3-10 keV) [10-11 erg/cm2/s] |
UVOT RA (J2000) |
UVOT Dec (J2000) |
UVOT Time to First Observation [sec] |
UVOT Magnitude | Other Observatory Detections | Redshift | Host Galaxy | Comments | References |
241030B | 18:34:20 | 1263840 | 50.787 03:23:08.9 |
34.439 34:26:20.4 |
6.7 | 12 | 03:23:10.19 | 34:26:49.3 | 157.16 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 162 | V>19.4 | Fermi (GBM), SVOM/ECLAIRs, Nanshan/HMT (0.5m), AKO (0.36m), SAO RAS (1m), INAF Asiago Observatory, SAO RAS (6m), SVOM/VT, SVOM/GRM, GTC/OSIRIS+, TESS | 2.82 (GTC/OSIRIS+: absorption, tentative) | BAT: GCN 37981; GCN 38011 XRT: GCN 37981; GCN 37983; GCN 37992; GCN 38029; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37981; GCN 38008 Redshift: GCN (GTC/OSIRIS+) |
241030A | 05:48:03 | 1263718 | 343.216 22:52:51.8 |
80.438 80:26:16.8 |
173.3 | 273 | 22:52:33.35 | 80:26:59.1 | 73.53 | 1290 | 22:52:33.47 | 80:26:59.8 | 83 | V=13.71 | Fermi (GBM & LAT), COLIBRÍ (SVOM/F-GFT), LCOGT (40cm), Keck (10m), TRT (0.7m), MITSuME (50cm), SVOM/VT, Mephisto (1.6m), SVOM/GRM, AKO (0.36m), Konus-Wind, ATLAS, SAO RAS (1m), Fraunhofer Telescope Wendelstein, Palomar (1m), Einstein Probe, GMG (2.4m), Virtual Telescope Project (17"), TNOT (0.8m), OHP/T193, Kinder, GRBAlpha, INAF Asiago Observatory, TESS, Sun Yat-sen University (80cm) | 1.411 (Keck: absorption) ~1.4 (GMG: absorption) |
BAT: GCN 37956; GCN 38010 XRT: GCN 37956; GCN 37962; GCN 37988; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37956; GCN 37974; GCN 38055 Redshift: GCN 37959 (Keck); GCN 38027 (GMG) |
241029A | 02:19:59 | Fermi | 324.4 21:37:36.0 |
6.6 06:36:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 21:41:20.20 | 05:04:52.8 | 29100 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 37932 | XRT: GCN 37946; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
241026A | 22:42:32 | 1262764 | 293.425 19:33:42.0 |
57.996 57:59:45.6 |
25.2 | 25 | 19:33:36.14 | 57:59:09.7 | 114.45 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 118 | V>19.8 | Fermi (GBM), SAO RAS (1m), COLIBRÍ (SVOM/F-GFT), KAIT (0.76m), Las Cumbres (1m), BTA (6m), GROWTH-India, SVOM/GRM, Zeiss-100, GECAM-B, LBT, TNOT (0.8m), GRBAlpha, SAO RAS, LBT, SAO RAS (6m), VLA @ (6, 10 and 15 GHz) | 2.79 (BTA: absorption) 2.791 (LBT: absorption) |
UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37896; GCN 37971 XRT: GCN 37896; GCN 37897; GCN 37904; GCN 37908; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37896; GCN 37947 Radio: GCN 38320 (VLA) Redshift: GCN 37916 (BTA); GCN 37925 (LBT) |
241025A | 01:36:50 | 1262165 | 333.330 22:13:19.2 |
83.566 83:33:57.6 |
n/a | n/a | 22:14:37.82 | 83:34:33.2 | 115.69 | 563 | 22:14:36.83 | 83:34:32.2 | 126 | V>19.4 | Fermi (GBM), TRT (0.7m), SVOM/GRM, DDOTI, NOT, SVOM/VT, GRANDMA, Kilonova-Catcher, COLIBRÍ (SVOM/F-GFT), GROWTH-India, DFOT (1.3m), Mondy (AZT-33IK), SAO RAS (1m), Konus-Wind, LBT, VZLUSAT-2 | 4.20 (NOT: absorption) | BAT: GCN 37859 XRT: GCN 37859; GCN 37868; GCN 37888; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37859; GCN 37919 Redshift: GCN 37866 (NOT) |
241010A | 10:05:14 | 1259578 | 153.367 10:13:28.1 |
11.544 11:32:38.4 |
30.86 | 20 | 10:13:31.52 | 11:32:03.9 | 101.99 | n/a | 10:13:31.54 | 11:32:03.4 | 105 | n/a | LCO (1m), JinShan | 0.977 (GTC: emission, host) | Visible in the Legacy survey | BAT: GCN 37755; GCN 37792 XRT: GCN 37755; GCN 37757; GCN 37769; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37755 Redshift: GCN 38080 (GTC) Host: GCN 38080 (GTC) |
241009A | 19:17:29 | SVOM-ECLAIRs | 325.11 21:40:26.4 |
-35.63 -35:37:48.0 |
n/a | n/a | 21:40:02.08 | -35:39:34.0 | 14700 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | SVOM-ECLAIRs: GCN 37749 | XRT: GCN 37772; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
241006A | 21:51:58 | 1258721 | 304.782 20:19:07.7 |
-40.806 -40:48:21.6 |
47.95 | 10 | 20:18:58.23 | -40:48:18.1 | 145.30 | 47.5 | n/a | n/a | 350 | V>17.4 | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37722; GCN 37753 XRT: GCN 37722; GCN 37724; GCN 37732; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37722; GCN 37729 |
241002B | 06:14:18 | Fermi | 333.8 22:15:12.0 |
-64.3 -64:18:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 21:53:16.81 | -58:56:49.4 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 37668 | XRT: GCN 37746 |
241002A | 00:50:22 | 1257556 | 140.942 09:23:46.1 |
39.829 39:49:44.4 |
46.81 | 21 | 09:23:47.67 | 39:49:54.3 | 106.14 | 77.2 | n/a | n/a | 116 | V>19.8 | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37662; GCN 37705 XRT: GCN 37662; GCN 37665; GCN 37681; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37662; GCN 37683 |
GRB | Time [UT] |
Trigger Number |
BAT RA (J2000) |
BAT Dec (J2000) |
BAT T90 [sec] |
BAT Fluence (15-150 keV) [10-7 erg/cm2] |
XRT RA (J2000) |
XRT Dec (J2000) |
XRT Time to First Observation [sec] |
XRT Early Flux (0.3-10 keV) [10-11 erg/cm2/s] |
UVOT RA (J2000) |
UVOT Dec (J2000) |
UVOT Time to First Observation [sec] |
UVOT Magnitude | Other Observatory Detections | Redshift | Host Galaxy | Comments | References |
241001A | 17:08:45 | SVOM-ECLAIRs | 20.42 01:21:40.8 |
-43.53 -43:31:48.0 |
n/a | n/a | 01:22:12.66 | -43:28:30.2 | 6400 | 0.071 | n/a | n/a | 6534 | n/a | SVOM-ECLAIRs: GCN 37655 XRT: Source 2 is spatially consistent with the optical afterglow candidate reported in GCN #37667, adding credence to this being the real afterglow. UVOT: A fading source consistent with the optical afterglow position given by GCN 37673 and the XRT candidate. |
XRT: GCN 37670; GCN 37725; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37678 |
240916A | 01:22:55 | Fermi | 233.2 15:32:48.0 |
-7.1 -07:06:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 15:43:39.26 | -07:45:54.1 | 61000 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 37518 | XRT: GCN 37531; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
240912A | 01:46:39 | 1253910 | 124.625 08:18:30.0 |
33.999 33:59:56.4 |
113.24 | 450 | 08:18:32.28 | 33:59:56.9 | 106.02 | 8640 | 08:18:32.40 | 33:59:56.3 | 115 | V=17.78 | Fermi (GBM), GTC (10.4m), NOT (2.56m), INTEGRAL, LCOGT (1m), SVOM/GRM, Konus-Wind, VLA @ 6, 10 & 15 GHz | 1.234 (GTC: absorption) 1.23 (NOT: absorption) |
g = 23.08, r = 22.88, and z = 22.01 (LCOGT/Legacy Surveys: likely host) | BAT: GCN 37466; GCN 37539 XRT: GCN 37466; GCN 37470; GCN 37479; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37466; GCN 37487 Radio: GCN 37978 (VLA) Redshift: GCN 37469 (GTC); GCN 37471 (NOT) Host: GCN 37476 (LCOGT) |
240910A | 04:00:44 | Fermi | 15.1 01:00:24.0 |
4.5 04:30:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 01:36:23.31 | -00:12:16.3 | 128300 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 37441 | XRT: GCN 37461; GCN 37553; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37553 |
240905E | 18:26:03 | 1252695 | 345.799 23:03:11.8 |
35.495 35:29:42.0 |
n/a | n/a | 23:03:12.38 | 35:31:24.9 | 106.45 | 111 | n/a | n/a | 95 | V>17.38 | SVOM/GRM | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37397 XRT: GCN 37397; GCN 37406; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37397; GCN 37402 |
240904A | 16:04:19 | 1252402 | 136.440 09:05:45.6 |
-30.506 -30:30:21.6 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Due to a Sun observing constraint, Swift cannot slew to the BAT position until 13:50 UT on 2024 September 10. | BAT: GCN 37383 |
240829A | 03:56:28 | 1251252 | 143.079 09:32:19.0 |
-18.687 -18:41:13.2 |
43.20 | 38 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Due to a Sun observing constraint, Swift cannot slew to the BAT position until 12:04 UT on 2024 October 02. | BAT: GCN 37333; GCN 37356 |
240828B | 13:12:43 | SVOM-ECLAIRs | 63.36 04:13:26.4 |
16.71 16:42:36.0 |
n/a | n/a | 04:13:50.39 | 16:42:56.2 | 13500 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | SVOM-ECLAIRs: GCN 37318 | XRT: GCN 37334; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
240828A | 14:55:06 | Fermi | 219.1 14:36:24.0 |
35.8 35:48:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 15:02:3.04 | 36:31:42.7 | 42100 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 37317 | XRT: GCN 37337; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
240825A | 15:52:59 | 1250617 | 344.570 22:58:16.8 |
1.019 01:01:08.4 |
57.20 | 250 | 22:58:17.16 | 01:01:35.0 | 83.11 | 3240 | 22:58:17.26 | 01:01:36.9 | 93 | V=17.02 | Fermi (GBM & LAT), Nanshan/HMT (0.5m), PROMPT-MO, AKO (0.36m), Mephisto (1.6m), GMG (2.4m), LCO (1m), MASTER-SAAO, Montarrenti Observatory (0.53m), SVOM/C-GFT (1.2m), VLT, REM (60cm), AstroSat CZTI, MISTRAL/T193 OHP (193cm), PRIME (1.8m), Konus-Wind, KAIT (0.76m), TNG (3.6m), SAO RAS (1m), ALMA @ 97.5 GHz, GECAM-B, VLA @ 8.6 GHz, iTelescope (T73, 0.356m), SVOM/VT, MeerKAT @ (1.3 and 3 GHz), MeerLICHT (0.6m), ATCA, SVOM/VT, INTEGRAL | 0.659 (VLT: absorption & emission) ~0.66 (TNG: absorption) |
BAT: GCN 37274; GCN 37355 XRT: GCN 37274; GCN 37290; GCN 37294; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37274; GCN 37296 Radio: GCN 37314 (ALMA); GCN 37322 (VLA); GCN 37353 (MeerKAT); GCN 37388 (ATCA) Redshift: GCN 37293 (VLT); GCN 37310 (TNG) |
GRB | Time [UT] |
Trigger Number |
BAT RA (J2000) |
BAT Dec (J2000) |
BAT T90 [sec] |
BAT Fluence (15-150 keV) [10-7 erg/cm2] |
XRT RA (J2000) |
XRT Dec (J2000) |
XRT Time to First Observation [sec] |
XRT Early Flux (0.3-10 keV) [10-11 erg/cm2/s] |
UVOT RA (J2000) |
UVOT Dec (J2000) |
UVOT Time to First Observation [sec] |
UVOT Magnitude | Other Observatory Detections | Redshift | Host Galaxy | Comments | References |
240824B | 13:11:16.7 | BAT/GUANO | 17.835 01:11:20.4 |
2.620 02:37:12.0 |
n/a | n/a | 01:11:20.82 | 02:36:36.0 | 27700 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi (GBM), MAXI | BAT: Swift/BAT did not localize GRB 240824B onboard (T0: 2024-08-24T13:11:16.7 UTC, Fermi Trigger 746197881, MAXI GCN 37261). In a ground search of a 10 s event file, available due to a subthreshold trigger onboard. The GRB was detected at a S/N of 8.5 in a single 10 s image. The duration in the rates data is ~16 s. | BAT: GCN 37267 XRT: GCN 37270; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
240824A | 01:03:25 | 1250282 | 213.176 14:12:42.2 |
63.735 63:44:06.0 |
39.47 | 13 | n/a | n/a | 134.2 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 139 | V>18.7 | XRT: One uncatalogued X-ray source has been detected consistent with being within 3 arcmin of the Swift-BAT position, however it is not above the RASS limit or shows definitive signs of fading. Therefore, at the present time we cannot identify it as the afterglow. UVOT: no detection |
BAT: GCN 37254; GCN 37272 XRT: GCN 37254; GCN 37269 UVOT: GCN 37254; GCN 37263 |
240819A | 02:35:21.2 | SVOM-ECLAIRs | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 20:43:47.21 | 49:30:50.6 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | SVOM-ECLAIRs: GCN 37208 | XRT: GCN 37218; GCN 37311 |
240811A | 14:07:33 | 1248132 | 226.328 15:05:18.7 |
28.884 28:53:02.4 |
66.32 | 30 | 15:05:26.90 | 28:53:45.4 | 95.12 | 74.6 | n/a | n/a | 102 | V>18.7 | Konus-Wind | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37136; GCN 37155 XRT: GCN 37136; GCN 37141; GCN 37149; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37136; GCN 37147 |
240809A | 08:30:29 | 1247745 | 237.545 15:50:10.8 |
-2.331 -02:19:51.6 |
72.86 | 97 | 15:50:10.58 | -02:19:04.3 | 88.31 | 467 | 15:50:10.52 | -02:19:03.0 | 98 | V=16.11 | SVOM/GRM, ECO1 (0.4m), Skynet/PROMPT, JinShan, NOT (2.5m), GROWTH-India (0.7m), KAIT (0.76m), VLT, Bassano Bresciano Observatory, REM (60cm), Liverpool (2m), Konus-Wind, ALMA @ 97.5 GHz, VLA @ 15 GHz, Belesta Observatory (820mm), Vidauban (300mm), Madagascar (350mm). Nastro Verde Observatory | 1.495 (NOT) 1.494 (VLT: absorption) |
UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37110; GCN 37154 XRT: GCN 37110; GCN 37115; GCN 37121; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37110; GCN 37123 Radio: GCN 37157 (ALMA); GCN 37158 (VLA); GCN 37167 (VLA) Redshift: GCN 37122 (NOT); GCN 37129 (VLT) |
240805B | 14:28:54 | 1246989 | 254.215 16:56:51.6 |
18.314 18:18:50.4 |
64.99 | 45 | 16:56:51.28 | 18:19:11.5 | 78.44 | 443 | n/a | n/a | 88 | V>19.4 | BTA (6m), Mephisto (1.6m), JinShan | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 37043; GCN 37084 XRT: GCN 37043; GCN 37053; GCN 37059; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37043; GCN 37057 |
240805A | 02:02:22 | 1246907 | 190.919 12:43:40.6 |
-53.603 -53:36:10.8 |
37.34 | 87 | 12:43:39.54 | -53:35:42.9 | 41707.9 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 105 | V>18.7 | Fermi (GBM & LAT), INTEGRAL, SVOM/GRM, Konus-Wind | The XRT and UVOT observations were only a few seconds long, so X-ray and optical positions and lightcurves were not be available until the GRB came out of constraint around 02:58 UT. UVOT: no detection |
BAT: GCN 37032; GCN 37083 XRT: GCN 37032; GCN 37045; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 37032; GCN 37056 |
240730A | 07:52:06 | 1245636 | 37.841 02:31:21.8 |
59.045 59:02:42.0 |
50.13 | 6.8 | 02:31:21.14 | 59:01:43.2 | 128.72 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 133 | n/a | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 36976; GCN 37005 XRT: GCN 36976; GCN 36977; GCN 36982; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 36976; GCN 36978 |
240727A | 03:46:23 | 1245074 | 236.451 15:45:48.2 |
8.612 08:36:43.2 |
177.88 | 14 | 15:45:44.96 | 08:37:11.9 | 109 | 208 | 15:45:45.0 | 08:37:12.9 | 126 | V>18.0 | KAIT (0.76m), TRT (0.7m), Skynet, Fermi (GBM), NOT | Due to a telemetry gap, no further BAT information will be available until the next data downlink to the ground. | BAT: GCN 36938; GCN 36974 XRT: GCN 36938; GCN 36950; GCN 36956; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 36938; GCN 36968 |
240720A | 00:24:51 | 1243868 | 96.728 06:26:54.7 |
30.297 30:17:49.2 |
181.85 | 18 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi (GBM), AstroSat CZTI | Due to a Sun observing constraint, Swift cannot slew to the BAT position. | BAT: GCN 36909; GCN 36928 |
GRB | Time [UT] |
Trigger Number |
BAT RA (J2000) |
BAT Dec (J2000) |
BAT T90 [sec] |
BAT Fluence (15-150 keV) [10-7 erg/cm2] |
XRT RA (J2000) |
XRT Dec (J2000) |
XRT Time to First Observation [sec] |
XRT Early Flux (0.3-10 keV) [10-11 erg/cm2/s] |
UVOT RA (J2000) |
UVOT Dec (J2000) |
UVOT Time to First Observation [sec] |
UVOT Magnitude | Other Observatory Detections | Redshift | Host Galaxy | Comments | References |
240715A | 05:44:03 | Fermi | 8.4 00:33:36.0 |
-29.4 -29:24:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 00:20:35.07 | -36:23:23.1 | 36000 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 36000 | n/a | Fermi: GCN 36866 UVOT: no detection |
XRT: GCN 36890; GCN 36981; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 36891 |
240712A | 03:27:12 | 1242223 | 122.385 08:09:32.4 |
-37.093 -37:05:34.8 |
16.45 | 2.7 | 08:09:20.62 | -37:05:17.3 | 152 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 141 | V>19.0 | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 36851; GCN 36897 XRT: GCN 36851; GCN 36882 UVOT: GCN 36851; GCN 36870 |
240624A | 06:01:0 | 1238732 | 102.473 06:49:53.5 |
-6.534 -06:32:02.4 |
5.89 | 4.5 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi (GBM) | Due to a Sun observing constraint, Swift cannot slew to the BAT position until 10:01 UT on 2024 August 15. | BAT: GCN 36743; GCN 36769 |
240606B | 13:33:06.5 | BAT/GUANO | 40.234 02:40:56.2 |
-60.637 -60:38:13.2 |
n/a | n/a | 02:41:10.82 | -60:36:43.2 | 22900 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | GECAM-B, Fermi (GBM), Konus-Wind | BAT: GCN 36628 XRT: GCN 36631; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
240603B | 06:57:43 | 1232755 | 36.054 02:24:13.0 |
-50.944 -50:56:38.4 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Due to an observing constraint, Swift did not slew until T0+54.8 minutes. | BAT: GCN 36604 |
240529A | 02:58:31 | 1231488 | 335.341 22:21:21.8 |
51.557 51:33:25.2 |
160.67 | 210 | 22:21:25.86 | 51:33:42.3 | 471.2 | 10 | 22:21:25.97 | 51:33:43.0 | 128 | V=16.16 | GOTO, AstroSat CZTI, NOT (2.56m), BOOTES-6/DPRT (0.6m), Skynet (0.6m), Palomar (1m), AKO (0.36m), GTC (10.4m), OHP (1.93m), GROWTH-India (0.7m), Konkoly RC80, Insight-HXMT/HE, MAAO (0.7m), SAO RAS (1m), IPN, Konus-Wind, AZT-33IK (Mondy), DFOT (1.3m), OSN (1.5m), MASTER-SAAO, AMI-LA @ 15.5 GHz, NOEMA (3mm band), MITSuME (50cm), LBT, TNG (3.6m), VIRT (0.5m) | 2.695 (GTC: absorption) | BAT: GCN 36556; GCN 36566 XRT: GCN 36556; GCN 36557; GCN 36564; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 36556; GCN 36562 Radio: GCN 36636 (AMI-LA); GCN 36642 (NOEMA) Redshift: GCN 36574 (GTC) |
240527B | 14:03:51.50 | Fermi | 128.51 08:34:02.4 |
-12.68 -12:40:48.0 |
n/a | n/a | 08:32:36.93 | -14:26:14.6 | 27300 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 36546 | XRT: GCN 36558; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
240523A | 14:43:11 | 1230423 | 33.537 02:14:08.9 |
-22.053 -22:03:10.8 |
41.93 | 11 | 02:14:16.31 | -22:02:00.2 | 147.72 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 151 | n/a | BAT: GCN 36536; GCN 36543 XRT: GCN 36536; GCN 36537; GCN 36538; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 UVOT: GCN 36536 |
240516A | 03:36:28 | 1228797 | 212.784 14:11:08.2 |
-63.495 -63:29:42.0 |
94.69 | 20 | 14:11:13.70 | -63:29:16.1 | 142.1 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 150 | V>18.9 | AstroSat CZTI | UVOT: no detection | BAT: GCN 36493; GCN 36510 XRT: GCN 36493; GCN 36502 UVOT: GCN 36493; GCN 36517 |
240513A | 07:22:02.55 | Fermi | 163.4 10:53:36.0 |
-27.5 -27:30:00.0 |
n/a | n/a | 10:53:49.16 | -27:24:41.3 | 46100 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fermi: GCN 36462 XRT: Three uncatalogued X-ray sources were reported in GCN 36478, of which one ("Source #6”) is fading with 2.7-σ significance, and is therefore likely the GRB afterglow. |
XRT: GCN 36478; GCN 36533; Evans et al., 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 |
* The data were put in a different sequence not labeled with the trigger number but the trigger number is correct.
- Table does not contain about ~10 weak detections which we did not distribute because we were uncertain about their validity.
- All numbers are preliminary and may be revised as we do reprocessing (s/w improvements, thinking/experience improvements).