The ability to analyze spectral data from the three Swift instruments simultaneously and with consistent methodology is clearly a mission requirement. Given the historical approach of high energy astronomy to maintain separate source data and calibration files during analysis, the most flexible approach has been to write a UVOT data format that conforms to high energy software requirements. However, note that UVOT spectral data formats will also be compatible with more traditional software packages such as iraf.
This page provides step by step instructions for simulating BAT, XRT, and UVOT data with the XSPEC software package. More information about simulating BAT spectra is available on the Simulating BAT Spectra page. Under the assumption that high energy astronomers have some familarity with XSPEC, these instructions are biased towards, but not exclusive to, the analysis of UVOT data. It is expected that the software will be new to some optical afterglow researchers, while the application of XSPEC in the analysis of optical and UV data may be a novelty to many gamma-ray and X-ray researchers. The approach is, however, generic to the spectral analysis of data from all three instruments.
Before continuing, download the required calibration files to a single local directory. Please note that spectral files can also be generated using the WWW inteface webspec, while, if count rates are the only purpose of your feasibility study, pimms is the webtool of choice.
Here is a list of required reading (1), including the XSPEC User Manual and installation instructions, and useful secondary material (2):
1 | Required calibration files: ARFs, RMFs and RSPs |
1 | XSPEC: Download instructions, installation and user manual |
2 | The HEASARC spectral file format |
2 | ARF and RMF file formats |
2 | The WWW XSPEC interface webspec |
2 | The count rate simulation tool pimms |
The following information, which will vary depending on which version of XSPEC you have installed, will be printed to your screen:
The details of the welcome message will depend on which version of XSPEC you are running, and when it was installed on your machine. Extensive on-line help is available typing: help or: ? at any time when you are given the XSPEC command prompt. The following example is specific to XSPEC 12.
XSPEC12>cpd /xw
XSPEC12>model grbm
The package will then prompt the user for values for each fit parameter, in this case there are four of them in this order, the low-energy powerlaw exponent (-1), the high energy powerlaw exponent (-2), the cutoff energy (150 keV) and the normalization (1):
XSPEC12>addc 1 zphabs
XSPEC12>addc 1 wabs
Note that the new model can be listed by typing show, model components can also be deleted using delc and the entire model could have been built with the one line command model wabs*zphabs*grbm.
Also note that while we do not implement it here, the redden model characterizes Galactic extinction at energies shortward of the Lyman limit and we expect it to be used extensively to model UVOT data with XSPEC. The zredden model should be used to model extinction (with a Galactic reddening law) in the host galaxy. Alternative reddening laws are available using the zdust model.
XSPEC12>flux 2 10
we can find the total model flux between 2 and 10 keV. Therefore the model normalization has to be multiplied appoximately by 1.3 x 10-3 to recreate XMM-Newton and RXTE flux this across the Swift instruments. The newpar command is used to change the values of model parameters. In this case we want to multiply the normalization (parameter 7) by 1.3 x 10-3.
XSPEC12>newpar 7 0.0013
XSPEC12>fakeit none
For fake spectrum #1 response file is needed: ugrism.rsp
...and ancillary file: none
Use counting statistics in creating fake data? (y)y
Input optional fake file prefix:
Fake data filename (ugrism.fak): ugrism.fak
Exposure time, correction norm (1.00000, 1.00000): 3500 1
Note that the name of the UVOT UV grism .rsp file should be changed to match the file downloaded from here. No ancillary response file (ARF) is required in this case because a RSP file was provided for the response file. However if an RMF file is provided instead (as is the case for the XRT calibration data), an ARF file is always required to provide the correct effective area for each instrument and/or filter.. If counting statistics are used, the spectra will be randomized according to the count rate of each channel. In this example we chose an exposure of 3500 s, i.e. ∼1 hr of accumulated exposures since the burst trigger.
In order to generate fake data for the next instrument we need to
clear the UVOT UV grism data from XSPEC. This is done by:
XSPEC12>data none
The fakeit none and data
none step can be repeated using the XRT and UVOT optical grism.
When you are done you should have four simulated data files: bat.fak,
xrt.fak, ugrism.fak and vgrism.fak. Note that the data none command must be used after each fake
spectrum is created except the final fakeit
none command.
XSPEC>data 1:1 bat.fak 1:2 xrt.fak 1:3 ugrism.fak 1:4 vgrism.fak
Now, we want to plot the model and the fake data.
XSPEC>ignore 1:0.-15.,400.-** 2:0.-0.1,12.-**
In this case we are telling XSPEC to ignore channels in spectrum 1 (BAT) with energies between 1.0 and 15.0 keV and 400 keV and above (1:0.-15.,400.-**), and channels in spectrum 2 (XRT) with energies between 0.0 and 0.1 keV and 12.0 keV and above (0.-0.1,12.-**). The units specified are those of the energy class just specified with the setplot command and specifying the decimal point is crucial in this instance.
XSPEC>setplot rebin 5 1000
XSPEC>plot efficien
where the result will be similar to what is shown in Fig 1.1. The
figure in your plotting window can be beautified to your own taste
using the iplot function and then the PLT
command language.
XSPEC>plot ldata delchi
XSPEC>plot eufspec
XSPEC>newpar 3 3.0
and rerun fakit to alter the data accordingly. Since all the response matrices are already loaded, this task is now less onerous:
XSPEC>fakeit none
For fake spectrum #1 response file is needed: swbresponse20030101v007.rsp
... and ancillary file:
Use counting statistics in creating fake data? (y)
Input optional fake file prefix:
Fake data file name (bat.fak.fak):bat.fak
File bat.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN)
Exposure time, correction norm (1.00000, 1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (xrt.fak.fak):xrt.fak
File xrt.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN)
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, -1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (ugrism.fak.fak): ugrism.fak
File ugrism.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN)
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, -1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (vgrism.fak.fak): vgrism.fak
File vgrism.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN)
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, -1.00000): 3500 1
Again, we want to ignore some channels and rebin the data. XSPEC>ignore 1:0.-15.,400.-** 2:0.-0.1,12.-**
XSPEC>setplot rebin 5 1000
The redshift parameter can be fit after unfreezing the parameter in
the model.
XSPEC>thaw 3
Fit the model to the data and specify that no more than 100 fitting
iterations should be carried out.
XSPEC>fit 100
The data and model are plotted in Fig. 1.4. Here we chose to plot
the UVOT spectra in wavelength units by typing:
XSPEC>setplot wave
We want to ignore the XRT data, which has wavelengths significantly
less than 1000 Angstrom.
XSPEC>ignore **-1000
Here we pass two commands to the plotting facility. The first is wind all which tells plot to apply the following command to all windows. The second is log x off which turns off the logarithmic scale on the X axis.
XSPEC>setplot comm wind all
XSPEC>setplot comm log x off
XSPEC>plot ldata delchi
XSPEC>model wabs*zphabs*grbm
XSPEC>fakeit none
For fake spectrum #1 response file is needed: swuw2_20041120v104.rsp
... and ancillary file:
Use counting statistics in creating fake data? (y):
Input optional fake file prefix:
Fake data filename (swuw2_20041120v104.fak): uvw2.fak
Exposure time, correction norm (1.00000, 1.0000): 3500 1
XSPEC12>data none
and repeat for the filters UVM2, UVW1, U, B and V. Do not forget to use data none after each fakeit none command.
XSPEC>data 1:1 uvw2.fak 1:2 uvm2.fak 1:3 uvw1.fak 1:4 u.fak 1:5 b.fak 1:6 v.fak
XSPEC>cpd /xw
XSPEC>setplot wave
XSPEC>setplot command window all
XSPEC>setplot command log x off
XSPEC>plot efficien
XSPEC>plot ldata delchi
XSPEC>newpar 3 3.0
XSPEC>fake none
For fake spectrum #1 response file is needed: swuw2_20041120v104.rsp.rsp
... and ancillary response file:
Use counting statistics in creating fake data? (y)
Input optional fake file prefix (max 8 chars):
Fake data file name (uvw2.fak.fak): uvw2.fak
File uvw2.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN):
Exposure time, correction norm (1.00000, 1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (uvm2.fak.fak): uvm2.fak
File uvm2.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN):
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, 1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (uvw1.fak.fak): uvw1.fak
File uvw1.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN):
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, 1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (u.fak.fak): u.fak
File u.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN):
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, 1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (b.fak.fak): b.fak
File b.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN):
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, 1.00000): 3500 1
Fake data file name (v.fak.fak): v.fak
File v.fak exists - overwrite? (yY/) or (nN):
Exposure time, correction norm (3500.00, 1.00000): 3500 1
We arrive at the following spectrum plot:
plot ldata delchi
XSPEC>thaw 3
Freeze model parameters 1, 2, 5, and 6 (Galactic nH, host galaxy nH,
beta, and temperature).
XSPEC>freeze 1,2,5,6
we obtain z = 3.997 ± 0.009 with 90 percent confidence. Of course, this requires BAT and XRT measurements in order to assume a spectral shape. However we must also consider extinction and the strengh of the Lyman series and other possible line features close to the break in order before making a redshift measurement with the broad band filters. Consequently, for bright sources, the grism data is a superior resource. For fainter sources, of which the grism filters are not useful and the intrinsic spectrum is more uncertain, the shape of the spectrum is less of an issue because event statistics yield a poorer quality fit. For example if we reduce the flux of the source appropriately for a redshift of z = 3.0:
XSPEC>newpar 7 4.E-6
XSPEC>fakeit none etc...
XSPEC>error 3
Our solution is z = 3.087 ± 0.123 with 90 percent confidence. Clearly the details of the spectral shape near the Lyman limit are less of an issue in these faint cases.
XSPEC>mo wabs*zphabs*(powerlaw+zgauss+zgauss)*wabs
Now, we want to fix the three redshifts to the same value so that they
vary together and not independently.
XSPEC>newpar 8 = 3
XSPEC>newpar 12 = 3
Next, generate the fake data.
XSPEC>fakeit none
For fake spectrum #1 response file is needed: swuxpc1to12s0_20010101v010.rmf.rsp
... and ancillary response file: swxpc0to12s0_20010101v010.arf
Use counting statistics in creating fake data? (y):
Input optional fake file prefix:
Fake data file name (swxpc0to12s0_20010101v010.fak): xrt.fak
Exposure time, correction norm (1.00000, 1.00000):3500 1
Tell XSPEC to ignore data outside its usual energy range (0.1 to 12
XSPEC>setplot rebin 5
XSPEC>cpd /xw
XSPEC>plot ldata del
XSPEC>thaw 3
XSPEC>error 3
The redshift is found be between z = 0.059 and 0.078 with 90 percent confidence. The fitted photon index of the power law spectrum is -1.999 +/- 0.002. The fitted absorption in the source is (1.100 +/- 0.198) x 1022 atoms cm-2.